The pace of American football is utter shit, and I think it relies too much on in-game coaching, but the actual strategy and feats of athleticism are equally impressive to any other version and have their own charm, but none of it is important enough for me to tell anyone they have to give it a try.
Real football*, not that American shit.
(Association Football but Australian Football is cool, too)
Nice try I won’t watch either one
The pace of American football is utter shit, and I think it relies too much on in-game coaching, but the actual strategy and feats of athleticism are equally impressive to any other version and have their own charm, but none of it is important enough for me to tell anyone they have to give it a try.
You mean, a bunch of twinks run around for an hour and score no points ball?
Yes which is much better than brain injured dudes standing around and getting dozens of points for 6 minutes of gameplay.