What… you’ve never seen Gwar?
I got to see Gwar and The Misfits on a double-billed free concert when I was a vendor at Dragon*Con in the 1990s. I am not a fan of their music (Gwar’s, I like The Misfits), but they put one one hell of a great show.
I saw Deadmau5 and he stopped to play Rocket League mid show one time. That’s as close as I can get to the prompt.
Might as well. There’s not much football in a football broadcast to begin with.
Football is more of a turn-based strategy game than a real-time action game.
And it’s a final fantasy optional megaboss with unskippable dialog.
I used to work for a local TV station as a videographer. We always had to go out and get “highlights” of high school and college sports games in the area. Football was by far the worst, because it could literally take you an hour to get any 10-15 seconds of footage that was usable.
I hated football before that. Now I really hate football.
This is why I have hated football for years. It’s fuckin boring to watch. The halftime show was lit though.
I want to know the source for that and if it’s actually accurate. It does feel right though.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704281204575002852055561406 (paywall removed) & https://web.archive.org/web/20100116114207/http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/Comparing-Four-NFL-Games.html
I took an odd journey to get to this source. The actual graphic posted here is rotated and some of its colors were changed. The source for the visualization is this reddit post which links to the WSJ article. According to comments on the reddit post, the visualization pulled from charts from the second archive link, but I can’t find them in the non-paywalled WSJ article (and I can’t access the original article since I’m not subscribed to the WSJ).
It does seem like the pie chart is a little off from that but not by a ton, probably close enough for Internet stranger shenanigans
NFL has a streaming service that condenses games for rewatch. It’s literally just the relevant action. It’s a lot longer than 11 minutes. It is significantly less time than the full broadcast, though.
I suspect that chart here is like actual action, not counting presnap. The shortened game one’s still include replays and relevant presnap action. Though I agree, this still feels a little underestimated
The condensed games cut out most of the between play time. The only presnap you get is any motions by the offense. Also they generally limit replays to contested plays. Either way, it is 90% actual action as far as I can tell and it takes about 45 minutes to watch it.
The bottom half of the pie chart is the reason I can manage to watch it. It doesn’t demand constant attention, and offers occasional moments of focused action and excitement during your conversation/meal/game/doomscrolling.
The Live TV and ads are the worst part of trying to watch any sport live though, so I don’t actually watch much. Just a couple games the entire year. Actually I bet the superb owl was the first game of the year I watched beginning to end without interruption.
With other sports like Hockey, I can work up the excitement to watch some games if I hear the team is good and they’re already deep into the playoffs, lol.
This talking point only reveals your own ignorance of the sport. Which is fine, nobody needs to know or enjoy football. But having an ignorant take to complain about what someone else enjoys just shows that’s there’s a good chance you don’t care and only want to complain about something you don’t enjoy.
As a non sports ball enjoyer I’m curious, why is this is not a bad thing? Like, I have no dog in this fight. I don’t dislike football or any other sport, I’ve just never found any joy in watching sports on TV. Occasionally it’s fun to go to a game, and it’s very fun to participate in one (never played football, but have played baseball, softball, kickball, and played soccer twice), but watching it on TV has never been fun for me. So, as someone (I assume) who enjoys watching a game on TV, why/why not is a chart like above not demonstrating a negative? I’ve never really been able to pinpoint why I don’t enjoy watching sports, and when I saw the chart my first thought was “oh, is that why I don’t like watching football?”
I can definitely see the presentation of football being off putting. I think the biggest thing is that chart is the description of shots of players just standing around. During that time there is strategy happening. Where someone lines up, how then other side responds and the back and forth from there represent the “grand strategy” of the game. If you’re into it, this can be a very compelling part. It’s an important part of the game that establishes and ebb ad flow and gives you a chance to try to figure out the strategies and where things are heading, I’m always wrong :). Outside of that part, that “dead air” I think helps generate a lot of the communal aspect of watching it. It’s a time for folks to chat about what’s happening in the game, debate about what a catch is, grab some snacks, and chat about other things.
Imagine something like chess, even less time with “action,” at least is some game types. But it can still hold the attention and interest of the people watching. If someone were to walk in with no knowledge they would probably wonder why there’s all this downtime and how could anyone enjoy it. Not sure if that’s the best metaphor but it’s what I’ve got at the moment.
It really is just somebody without interest or knowledge of someone’s activity then coming in to mock. Just makes it seem like they’re trying to be superior and yuck someone else’s yum.
Hope that answered at least some of what you were asking and makes some level of sense :)
ETA: Ads suck. Finding more ways to inject advertising sucks. Doing Picture in Picture ads sucks. You will not find me disagreeing with that aspect in any way ;)
I can’t imagine this will reach the right audience, but in the lead up to the superb owl this year I was saying that a great sketch about this country would be to have this giant hyped up spectical where everyone’s getting all fucking jazzed up and talking about how all of this epic shit is going to happen and then at the climax of the sketch you get to the actual “action” and it’s just a dude flipping a coin once.
That’s America IMO, and it’s definitely illustrated fully in the super bowl: six hours for ten seconds of actual action interrupted constantly by bullshit and commercials and followed by idiots tearing “their city” apart because their laundry was crowned “world champions” of a sport only played by people in one country.
USA super bowl champs yet again, other countries cant keep up 🫵🤣
We tried it with war once, people liked it but the bosses cancelled it next time.
i have seen a few volley ball games with beach balls break out at more than a few concerts…not that anyone was keeping score.
As a fan of neither team, that Kendrick performance was fucking fantastic.
im not opposed
Like watching a UFC match and a hockey game breaks out.
Think chief fans appreciated the break tbh
I can see it, Yakety Sax playing the entier 4 minute game.
Real football*, not that American shit.
(Association Football but Australian Football is cool, too)
Nice try I won’t watch either one
The pace of American football is utter shit, and I think it relies too much on in-game coaching, but the actual strategy and feats of athleticism are equally impressive to any other version and have their own charm, but none of it is important enough for me to tell anyone they have to give it a try.
You mean, a bunch of twinks run around for an hour and score no points ball?
Yes which is much better than brain injured dudes standing around and getting dozens of points for 6 minutes of gameplay.
What’s fun about football, tho? I mean, it’s basically a bunch of dudes hitting a sphere for some weird reason or fighting for the pleasure of carrying an egg (and making more money than the most of us while at it)
Do you personally dislike all sports or just football?
Not them but I do actually have a special dislike for football over most other sports, the ratio of stuff happening:boring nothing is really bad when watching and when playing
Fair fair. Do you feel the same way about baseball?
Professional absolutely, and as a watching sport for sure
But local games I can actually enjoy playing because theres way less pause between the action in BB than FB. Can get through an entire game of BB with friends or a group in a decent amount of time, though I do wish there was more to do for those on the batting side when they’re not fielded
Yeah I find watching baseball (professional or otherwise) in person to be wayyyy more fun than on the tv. That being said the recent addition of the pitch clock does make things go much faster even on the tv imo
I don’t dislike most of them per se, I just don’t understand most of them. I mean, it’s quite impressive what those people can achieve, but I’d rather watch some dude free-climbing in the grand canion or something of that nature ('cause for me even climbing a 20m pipe was scary asf).
Now that i think of it, football is probably singled out in my mind due to its fans doing some batshit crazy stuff oftentimes. Like dude, chill out, it’s just a bunch of people kicking a ball. Save your molotov for your friendly local politicians.
I’m not OP but I dislike football because it’s got a huge risk of TBI for the players, like way more than most sports, even with the helmets. Also it feels really nationalistic and militarized
the problem is the helmets do jack shit to prevent TBIs. A TBI is when the brain hits the skull. A helmet will do jackshit to stop that.
Yeah, I always feel like I’m just watching people give themselves brain damage for trivial reasons when I see a football game. Especially one involving teenagers (or even younger). Then it’s the parents also allowing their kids to get brain damage. It all makes me a little queasy.
I used to be huge into college football, planning my weekends around when my teams were playing. I drifted away for a few years after they instituted the “targeting” penalty; in particular, there was a game where it was called twice on one drive, one was outright wrong (and overturned upon review*), and the other was borderline. It wasn’t a decision to protest; it was more of a “this isn’t important to me any more” kind of thing.
*It was overturned, but in that first year of the rule, the 15 yard penalty still counted. The player that committed the potential foul was simply allowed to remain in the game. (They have changed this rule since then.)
To be clear, I’m not in favor of people being injured. It was just that targeting penalty that made me realize that football was never going to be a safe game. No sport is completely safe, obviously; there’s always a risk of serious injury. But football seems especially designed to inflict injury, as opposed to other sports where the injuries are more incidental. And that scandal where the New Orleans (I think) NFL team was giving bounties for hits on specific players did not improve my opinion at all.
These days, we’ll watch football games if we don’t have anything else going on or whatever, but it’s not a high priority. We did watch some of the super bowl - in that it was on TV while we were reading or working on paying bills, etc. - but we definitely didn’t stay up late or anything like that for it. There’s not much else on TV during the super bowl anyway.