Way, way too many websites. I have to research all of them just to use one? I have choice paralysis! The corporations are right, I shouldn’t be trusted to make decisions for myself, and the internet should be like cable.
Wasn’t net neutrality already killed in the us?
They could theoretically implement this because of unencrypted domain names and ISP blocks, but if they actually tried this, that DNS over HTTPS thing Mozilla was working on - I’m sure it would get a lot more attention, be rolled out very soon, and disable ISPs being able to see or control which domains you were accessing.
They would just block anything that’s encrypted.
I must be stupid for not realizing a whitelist ISP implementation, I always imagined it would be more like a blacklist.
I thought about it, but immediately dismissed it cause they would lose their entire user base. It would be far too complex to have whitelist based access, as soon as anyone realized how restrictive it is they would bail
It’s kind of interesting to think about it in practice because on one hand the number of ISPs is limited in many areas, taking away the competitive choice, but on the other hand the opportunity to pull this stunt has been around for years in places like the USA and nobody has succeeded so far.
It’s been essentially tried since near the beginning with AOL. Their dialup service required you to have their branded browser (customized Internet Explorer) open to stay connected. On that browser you could only connect to sites in their walled garden whitelist.
Luckily, you could just minimize their browser and open regular IE or Netscape to bypass it.
Could a VPN solve this nonsense?
Yes a VPN could solve it. Run the VPN on a domain you know is good and on port 443 HTTPS.
I mean META is actually doing this! #aBoringDystopia
65% of Nigerians, and 61% of Indonesians agree with the statement that “Facebook is the Internet”
This is extremely worrying.
This is already a real thing
I was talking to someone online who is in Ghana and this is how it is there.
Where the fuck is all the usefull stuff, it’s only socials? Where’s maps, or a shared drive
Get access to “my self-hosted VPN + obfuscation proxy”
IP over WhatsApp?
Here’s what all these complaints about federation choices reminds me of: every job I’ve ever had, new people get hired from time to time. What do they do? Long before they’ve had any time to get any training or learn how things work to maybe get a better understanding of why some things are done the way they are - day one, they start complaining about all kinds of little things, waxing fantastical about how they’d do things differently. Same energy.
Nothing is perfect, and maybe things can be improved in a number of ways as time goes on. But also everything has a learning curve, so maybe try learning that curve before making demands about getting rid of the core elements that make federation what they are.
I used to want this unironically, id pay $30 a month to not see any ads AT ALL. However my mind has changed. I now see ad companies as immoral and, quite frankly, evil.
I would rather not only not give them money, but I choose to use a Ublock Origin fork AdNauseam that ‘clicks’ on all the ads. This seems counter intuitive, but since some advertisers pay per click so clicking a total of a combined 10,000 advertisements on my desktop/laptop/steam deck/whatever costs them a LOT of money, and I’ve bought 0 products from advertisements because i haven’t seen any advertisements!
The best part is that you get an image of all the ads. It’s super cool to look and see what they want you to buy and you can play the guessing game of “What Was My ADHD Ass Looking At?!”
(this SS is from ~2 months in iirc, now I’m ~6-10 months in, I’ll have to check when I get home.)
It’s fucked when the unlimited option in this meme is less then I pay for internet now. I pay over 200 a month just for the fucking internet. Fuck Cox cable and shit choices I don’t have in my town.
Fuck that is expensive. £24/month here and I use 4G so I can take my router anywhere and it just works.
I’d never heard of AdNauseam; does it replace uBlock entirely? Is it possible to run both?
Just run adnauseam on its own. I use it too, my thinking is that I am going to be tracked anyway. So instead of trying and almost certainly failing at avoiding it, you just overwhelm them with so much random data that it becomes worthless.
Makes sense, thanks!
It is literally a fork of uBO
Got it, thanks for clarifying.
Can I pay to restrict someone elses access?
Anyone else remember AOL Keywords? Lol
This will make Amazon a wee bit unhappy.
They’ll be fine being part of the “base package.”
If they pay for it. The ISP would hold both hands open to get money.
Tor here I come! Haha