This was me with Linus Tech Tips, it’s just not the content i subscribed for all those years ago.
Agreed. It just felt like all paid ads when I unsubscribed a year ago.
Its been way longer than a year
writing was on the wall after the overwork allegations, sexism allegations and nosediving quality. ltt was being run like a corporation and it was a matter of time. i left them then expecting it to tank further and it did.
I come back to Shortcircuit (unsubscribed) to see if they let Dan Besser do another video. He’s entertaining
For a while I thought that he hadn’t changed all that much, and while I still mostly do think that, what broke the camels back for me to give them up (and I guess GN and Louis Rossmann as collateral) was when the PayPal Honey thing came up, what was at worst a bullet point in the pre-amble to the main story became the story, they basically all spent a month and change throwing vague jabs at each-other in turn shoving the actual, important story of PayPal Honey scamming customers and shopkeepers that they were supposed to be focusing on out of the way.
I still mostly do think that
Yeah, he hasn’t changed much. We know a little more about him and that changes things.
FWIW, I think the allegations are “mostly unfounded”. I think he does work people a bit too hard, which I don’t REALLY care that much about. Him hiring a CEO to manage things he was shit at was probably the smartest thing he’s ever done.
I’ve seen plenty of people complaining about going up to meet him and him going why are you important and why would I want to talk to you? Self admitting no friends. He’s probably either a narcissist or a sociopath in a personality suit.
I stopped watching regularly after the 17th video of them installing shit in his Mc Mansion turning everything into a write-off. I was still listening to WAN show once in a while to catch up with tech news, even if he has stupid takes, it was still getting me the news. Once the GN stuff started , I just turned off the TV. He’s not wrong, but he’s an asshole and goes to great lengths to pick small details to be correct. Yes, he should have done a follow up when he dropped honey like he did when he dropped a VPN sponsor. Absolutely. OR he could have just responded to GN and said my lawyers said to leave it alone. Nobody really cared. But the back and forth whining, I don’t care to watch either of them anymore.
Does anyone know any long-form tech news creators? I need something that’s about an hour long.
Can’t find anything that’s like Techlinked, but The Vergecast seems to be a decent alternative, it’s a podcast though so it’s conversational and they look like they go up to 2 hours sometimes.
Gamer’s Nexus does an excellent hardware news segments
TechAltar does a great segment on Fridays called the Friday Checkout
Thanks for that.
I’ve having trouble stomaching GN these days, he’s as complicit with whining on the LTT crap as LTT is :)
Yeahh. All the newer videos feel extremely rushed, and low thought. Its sad coming back to it after years.
Mark Rober is headed this direction for me.
the instant crunch labs was announced I got out of there, it turned from kid friendly content to content for kids
I generally prefer it if YouTubers can self-fund based on merch, as opposed to hawking shavers, VPNs, and overpriced TV dinners. That said, the drop in quality has been noticeable from that point on. The drone defense video was particularly noticeable for being military propaganda.
I remember thinking highly of some of his early content. Like this guy could be a decent educator.
Now every time I see him, he just comes across as a walking breathing brand rather than an interesting individual.
Mark Rober lost me with his porch pirate booby traps.
First of all, booby traps are illegal for a reason. Second of all, a lot of it was staged and it was pretty obvious.
Booby traps are illegal if there is an intent to do harm. Something like this, or rigging your sprinklers to turn on when someone steps on your lawn wouldn’t be.
If you intentionally turn on your sprinklers as a deterrent, and it does damage to a person or property, you’d be liable for that.
What if someone had important papers that you ruined. Or you broke their non-waterproof phone? What if someone was stepping off the sidewalk to let a wheelchair pass and you just doused them and the person in the wheelchair?
What if your automated sprinkler starts spraying the EMTs or Firefighters coming to help you cause you fell in your bathroom and can’t get up? What if it shorts out the Lifepack they were going to use to check your heart and deliver an AED shock, and now someone died?
Automated booby traps are always bad because you can’t judge the intent of the person, or animal, that might trigger it.
Every single video he’s made, even the early ones, had an uncomfortable level of editing to them for me.
This was me with Ethan Klein/H3H3 over the past ~14ish months. Their podcast content used to be lighthearted Internet drama with funny soundbytes, but now the dude is having a major crashout about Gaza after rotting his brain with Israeli state
propagandamedia coverage. He’s always been an out-of-touch rich asshole, but now he’s so far out of pocket it’s unbearable to watch.he had a weird sense of humor and was universally loved. how did that even happen.
Turns out his free use of using the Nword and calling hasidic jews “dirty and nasty” meant he was actually just a bad guy. He just needed to find an outlet for hating brown people that people would support. He’s found it now.
I’m seeing this play out on the Hasan Piker side of things, and it’s outrageous but also completely hilarious that Ethan will not have a conversation with Hasan or Sam Seder about Gaza. The propaganda of the State of Israel, and plain old sunk cost fallacy has left him paralyzed as a liberal. I hope he doesn’t stay in that place for the rest of his days because it’s destructive, but some people have to bottom out before they can come up for air. I just hope that means all the hate and trouble both sides of the American political divide give him doesn’t lead to anything drastic.
At this point Ethan’s final act will be picking a fight with reddit and losing.
AvE. A 3 minute video supporting the truckers “protest” gets a hard NO from me.
He’s why I had to install 3rd party channel blocker because yt kept recommending his videos.
Same. I had been subbed since the start, but banished his channel from my feed when he posted that bullshit.
Aliens vs. Editors?
AvE as in AvE. It use to mean “arduinoversusevil”, but the arduino stuff quickly became a memory. He’s tech youtuber out in rural, western Canada who would review power tools and DIY projects. He had a rugged individualism thing going on, but never really got into politics or current events until the he posted the video in support of truckers shit.
And started calling people glowies.
Ah, I only watch occasional video of his and wondered what AvE meant and why there was a microcontroller on the icon of a dude who mainly does tool reviews. I figured he was probably conservative being rural, but I never heard anything concerning in the few videos I watched. Guess that changes things.
Another algorithm casualty here, another out of touch rich guy there.
There but for the like and subscribe go I.
Of Mice and Men
No. It’s clearly two men. I don’t see any mice.
The mice are in their pants!
“Hey George, like and comment on my videos again.”
“Sure, Lenny, I’m gonna write a real nice comment on your latest video right now.” *sniffle*
I find new channels around new hobbies constantly so they just kinda drift away.
Not Lenny!
Northernlion is all audience interaction now.
I found him searching super meat boy when he was about 50 videos into the binding of Issac, I couldn’t stand that games themes at the time, but after he posted the hundredth video or so I decided to give it a shot, it was relatively entertaining and very easy to fall asleep to.
Now he just interacts with his audience, and it’s really not my jive, still subscribed, but haven’t watched a video in probably over a year.
His style drastically changed since he had his daughter.
I think it’s okay that he doesn’t seem to care that people come and go.
It’s way more healthy for him at least.
So many people I used to watch when YT first started were discovered to be pedophiles or rapists… 😟
i wonder if the fame turned them into that or they were always pedos to begin with
I think it depends on which definition of pedophile you’re using. If you mean the act of abuse, then the fame gave them the opportunity and unless pre crime is wrong they weren’t pedophiles prior to the act so in some sense it did make them a pedo (but obviously they’re still responsible for their own actions). If you mean the mental disorder of being attracted to minors, then it’s likely they always were, I don’t think fame would make you suddenly desire that.
i briefly watched Onision until it dawned on me what a massive narcissistic douche he is…
How right i was
V sauce michael here
Where are your fingers?
Yeah, his stuff started getting more and more infrequent, and he started shilling products.
Yeah, he’s found his charismatic enough to go on tours and collaborate with make real money. The couple of things he did with Adam Savage were pretty cool.
Honestly, James Stephanie Sterling.
I had been following them since The Escapist days, but a few years ago I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was only interested in their Jimquisition stuff, and that had gotten really samey week over week.
It felt extra bad because this was after they had already lost like 20% of their subscribers for other reasons. I really hate that I might be lumped in with all those lovely folks when my reasons for leaving were entirely separate.
I still appreciate their message, though. I still think the Digital Homicide saga is one of the more interesting Internet dramas I’ve been witness to. And I still check in from time to time, mostly for their year-end lists and if something specific has happened in the gaming industry that I want their opinion on.
What I’m trying to say is, thank God for JSS, but only in small doses for me personally.
I’m in the same boat. I quit watching right before they came out as trans because their videos were the same thing every week. “Video game industry bad, publishers bad.” Which is a message I agree with, 100%, but when that’s literally all you say in every video its hard not to lose interest.
I forgot about them after that for a few years and was admittedly surprised by the change. Things seem to be rough for them lately, getting a divorce and moving to a new city right before COVID. I want to support them, but I watched their latest videos and it was exactly the same as before I quit. Nothing content-wise had changed.
I think a big part of that is that video game criticism really has evolved since then. Folks like shaun, hbomberguy, and many others share the same philosophy and ideas as JSS, but offer so much more depth than the “video games bad!” ranting that JSS has never been able to get beyond.
I’m still subbed but rarely watch. I think I just somewhat outgrew that kind of gaming drama content, it feels less consequential than it did 10 years ago.
Though you have to commend her for sticking with the YouTube thing and staying true to herself under these conditions.
You could really feel JSS backslide on the podcast too. It became really evident that Laurakbuzz was carrying more and more of the weight of the cast, and JSS acted like they didn’t even want to be there, even leaving partway through some episodes.
I’ve been off the JSS train for a while now.
His jokes just don’t land anymore. Can’t remember the last time I found one of his videos entertaining. On the contrary, watching his newer content actually makes me feel sad.
Fucking AvE…
I hung on every damn vidjeo
I still watch him how and then, I probably even agree with some of his hot takes, but he’s just fucking tonedef heading into the conservative crap.