Sorry Microsoft, I actually had a served all rights already. Nobody else has rights. That’s just how it is and I work around all limitations.
Sorry Microsoft, I actually had a served all rights already. Nobody else has rights. That’s just how it is and I work around all limitations.
This is grounds for the immediate dismantling of twitter.
There is error detection, crc checks and lvm does snapshots and offline deduplication
However I run sha256 checks offline and PAR files for forward error correction
You have angered the zfs gods!
For my jbod array, I use ext4 on gpt partitions. Fast efficient mature.
For anything else I use ext4 on lvm thinpools.
0.001$ per watt would be way ducking better
Realistically, firefox will monetize advertising. But as long as they remain true to open source, we will have the forks to strip out the nasty bits. The normies will get less violated than elsewhere and people in the know will still have the dream browser.
This 500 million per year pay cut is going to hurt no matter what.
Seriously, seizing the means of mass communication means you own democracy, you own the governement, you own everything. Twitter, while it remains how the cultural elites communicate, is worth basically 30 trillions.
Elites do not have to follow the rules, that’s the one reason to become an elite in the first place!
Oh that’s semantic bleeding in the wild.
I got some temu stuff. A 7$ bag heat sealer. Works perfectly fine.
However, I do not abide surveillance pricing. I can defeat the surveillance pricing but the procedure annoys me, so I’ve gone back to aliexpress which is easier to defeat.
Laws need to be different for monopolies and large player. Stop the rich from using the small as human shield for their grotesqie practice.
How does the EU not have its own link engine? EU being pathethic not just IP nulling all of silicon valley and their garbage products from the continent.
If all that is left is a shopping mall and propaganda, then as far as I am concerned, it would be dead.
Here’s the psychic cure, actually fake orgasms don’t exist, they are all real. If she tells you she faked it, it means she’s lying to you, and now she’s just trying to hurt you, probably because you didn’t do the dishes last night.
There, the whole fake orgasm thing, solved forever.
No sex without the presence of our notary dear.
Commercial IT’s overreliance on cloudflare will be the undoing of the internet.
You are right, I have fucked up!! All posted edited
I have fucked up!!! It is emby that is closed source fuckkkkkk!!!
“Emby has been relicensed and is now closed-source, while open source components will be moved to plugins. Due to this, a free open source fork of Emby was created called Jellyfin.”
This is why god invented automatic grenade launchers