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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • It’s only a surprising observation if you never thought about the not so distant past, when each town had its own time. Even now, if you spend a week or a month hiking or living off the grid out in nature, although your watch or cell phone might have a clock on it, you learn quite soon that what really matters is when the sun goes up and goes down.

  • Except it’s not an echo chamber. I’ve seen a great variety of comments on the issue at hand. If you haven’t, check out some other communities. And downvotes are different from intolerance. Of course intolerance can exist (if you’re getting blocked or direct messaged, for example), but that’s not what you experienced.

    And the question is not whether intolerance exists “here”, because it probably does in some communities some of the time. That’s not surprising. We’re on the internet. The question is whether it’s worse “here” than it was on Reddit, and if it is, what can or should be done about that.

    I haven’t seen any data indicating any trend on the issue. If people have different experiences, that’s just to be expected, and we should sympathize with people getting harassed, but we shouldn’t assume the sky is falling when it’s not.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    In reality, it’s not attacking half the human species. It’s actually attacking people who perpetrate SA, and other people who cheerlead for them. One problem is that many men react just the way you reacted. Instead of saying “let’s solve this problem”, you say “quit being so divisive”. Unfortunately, those are your values.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    The problem with your logic is it creates a situation where society at large will never talk about this important topic and think about ways to reduce the scope and impact of it.

    The sad reality is that men are largely responsible for SA, and saying this is always going to make some men uncomfortable. They’re always going to react to negatively, and people are always going to post what you posted.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    And good for them. It’s an important topic. If you’ve already had your fill of it, you know what to do. But many people here are seeing it for the first time, and many other people are commenting for the first time.

    The underlying issues so important that I hope we’re still talking about it next week and next month and next year.

  • The racists and xenophobes will never accept you. There’s no fixing some people’s brains. The good thing is, especially as you get older and able to do various kinds of work, you don’t have to associate with those kinds of jerks very often. It’s your community, it’s your country, and they don’t get to be the gatekeepers of who counts as local, no matter how hard they try.

  • Liberals are not leftists. You can choose your own definitions, but I would say that many so-called liberals are actually pro-capitalist anti-worker centrists. And the center is not so far from the center-right. So many liberals don’t hate conservatives. On the other hand, many conservatives bundle liberals and leftists together, because complexity is so irritating, making it easy to hate the entire group (even though it’s actually at least two groups).

    And quite obviously, many liberals and leftists hate some conservatives. You aren’t alone. That being said, hate is an emotion, and however you feel is totally fine because it’s your life. At the same time, hate itself is not constructive. Many people read and write about politics online because we want to learn about or change our world. If the content you’re creating doesn’t help with either of those goals, some people are going to ignore or down vote it.

    Anyway, your community is surely out there, if you keep looking.

  • Talking about the things that are working well for you in your life is fairly natural. But the fact that you feel like you’re an ad suggests that maybe you’re doing it too often.

    We cannot know everything about the businesses that we interact with, so I don’t think we need to feel guilty if we later learn that a business is shady. Actually, if you occasionally mention the businesses that you endorse, you might find that people will tell you about some of those shady business practices. And that can be stressful because it might sound like a personal attack, but it’s also an opportunity to take another look at your current situation and figure out what you want to do in the future.