looks at his comment count
Haha yeah…
I thought I had a problem…
Kolanaki sacrificing himself so we can feel a little better about ourselves o7
Single-handedly helping the fediverse thrive.
Which is a radical act to fight tech billionaires like Zuckerberg and Musk. Who have both been reasonably accused of enabling some incredibly awful stuff.
Contributing to the fediverse is probably not the most efficient way to fight for human rights and against billionaires and fascists, but it certainly makes some sort of tiny contribution. So I wouldn’t call it pointless. :)
“We are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.” --Kurt Vonnegut
Like this comment if you recently farted.
I farted while reading it, so idk what to think here
It’s the smell of success. No doubt.
Vonnegut is so based. Just all the time.
Definitely. It’s hard not to be upset that I spent the first half of my life in church learning bullshit.
Yeah the wasted youth I spent doing church shit weighs on me.
Me as well. What really bothers me is it was mostly me driving it. My parents are/were god fearing but I was way more than they were.
All this information about the Bible and it does me no good at all.
Yeah. Nothing quite dechristianized me quite like committing to reading the Bible.
You mean life?
I have ADHD, anxiety, and trauma.
A solid 75% of everything I’ve ever attempted to do takes more time to do than regular folks because it has to be perfect. And then I may not tell anyone about my efforts because I don’t want the attention. Or if the work is too hard or I’m too scared of revealing I can’t do it all myself, I give up. Assuming, of course, I don’t forget about what I’m working on until the relevance has passed.
Oh shit are you me? Adhd + anxiety is such a shitty combo, I feel like I can never accomplish anything and when I do I don’t even get the satisfaction of a job well done because the chemical reward system in my brain is screwed up. Shit sucks.
As a software developer, more frequently than I’d like. Pouring a couple weeks into an epic only to see the entire thing scrapped… At least I got paid.
Happens with personal projects too sometimes, I’ll start refactoring and decide at the end of the weekend I really don’t want to waste me next weekend on it and it’ll go to the archives lol.
But even in those cases, not entirely worthless. I still learned and grew my knowledge. Same applies to similar scenarios not related to writing code.
Had a thing about this at work this week. Got a small project in that is loaded up with garbage requirements, client is never coming back to us after this, and the budget is marginal.
What’s the point? We aren’t getting new knowledge, we aren’t establishing a relationship with a new client, we aren’t even making money. Sales fucked up, these things happen, move on. It isn’t even a challenging assignment so the entire victory is hollow. Boss-man didn’t like my brilliant idea to just ghost the client.
Early in my career, I made the mistake of revealing to my employers that I’m competent at my job. More and more work flowed onto my plate and before long, I was assigned tasks that were supposed to go to seniors. So, the seniors received almost double my salary while they enjoyed more open schedules since I was doing my work + some of theirs.
It’s simply not worth it to go above and beyond at work, unless it’s your own business.
if you can dig a hole the fastest someone eventually is going to hand you a bigger shovel
-an uncle of mine multiple occasions.
I do have to mention that he was one of the laziest people I have ever known and died in his mid-40s due to his weight and zero exercise. So while he was technically correct you might be better off being wrong in this one case.
All things in moderation. Hard work is a virtue, but it’s good to recognize when it’s not paying off for you.
In my retail days, every time we had visits from corporate. We would bust ass on overnights to make our location look good.
One time, as a fucking manager, I was told I needed to literally scrub the floors. Our machine that did it hadn’t been repaired in 6 months due to the GM pinching pennies. He told me to scrub the real bad parts by hand.
Corporate came the next AM. Spent all of 5 fucking minutes in our store to tell us his flight got changed and had to leave. I chewed out my manager and told him it was the last time myself, or any of my crew was slapping lipstick on a pig for a corpo visit.
Who hasn’t? We really don’t have the foresight to avoid pointless activities.
Sure. Two big projects at work come right to mind. Both were fucked before I started and ended up fucked when they ended. There is about half a football field in the Great Plains full of valves, boilers, plumbing, and pumps all ready for a chemical process that doesn’t make financial sense to run. The company that paid for it went bankrupt from the project. It sits there rotting. Months of my life, working well over 60 hours a week
Most things, in my experience, are not worth the effort. I really feel that a lot of people who are constantly hustling, going out and doing things, etc. are doing so because they can’t allow themselves to stop and think. I tend to focus on necessary things (food, shelter, etc) and some things that let me feel comfortable. For the rest, I just try to live a quiet life.
I spent years of my life and a ton of money on a 150 gallon salt water tank. I had a thriving coral population and a lots of cool little fish and crustaceans. The metal-halide hood alone cost $2,500. I moved houses and just couldn’t bring myself to set it back up.
Sometimes, and I think that’s normal, but usually upon reflection there aren’t many things that are truly worthless. I totally sound like a bad motivational poster but I really believe that even poor uses of time can teach you things - even if only how to be patient, forgiving to yourself, or wiser. It’s a life philosophy of mine that you should always be pushing yourself enough that you might fail (research shows that failing about 15% of the time is the sweet spot for motivation and learning). Plus sometimes just passing the time is a goal in and of itself, especially if you’re doing something you enjoy. Playing a video game, listening to music, etc doesn’t “accomplish” a lot but makes life better.
Yeah, a lot of things tbh. I think if I hadn’t then I’d not be who I am today. I’d probably be a better and happier person.
I’d probably be a better and happier person.
don’t say that while i’m in university, i’m gonna start second-guess myself…again.
Plenty of things, college being the biggest. But, I’ve gotten to the point where I’m able to see benefits in just about everything I’ve done in my life.