If you are truly struggling and need actual dental care, try searching for a local dental school near you. Many will take patients for cheap or free, with the caveat that a dental student will be performing the treatment.
Otherwise, brush at least twice a day and floss. Do not re-use strands of floss, like with those convenient plastic picks. You’ll just be transferring bacteria to each crevice after it’s been used.
Get a water pick (whatever it’s called) - I heard those are great but I don’t have one myself.
Also, in my area, most dentists will allow you to pay over time (like a year+…).
And there are FREE programs like this:
Niagara’s Mobile Dental Clinic
Ask around - you may be surprised.
Every dentist I’ve had disliked water piks. I had one for a while. Had.
Any particular reason why?
… Wait, don’t reuse dental floss? Oh no. I thought the point was only to loosen gunk!
My yearly dental works always cost a fortune, but my teeth are great now, since:
- I got an electric brush and floss sticks;
- I now drink coffee without sugar (you’ll get used to it pretty quickly);
- I almost completely stopped drinking sugary drinks (mostly bubbly water now, boycotting evil companies and being poor help).
Point one is key! I will add to it, floss of any sort is great. And for my mouth ‘interdental brushes’ do just a little bit more, so the combination has become a key part of my dental routine.
As someone from the Netherlands, where cavities get checked twice a year and filled for a few euros a month, this is actually wild to read.
Do people here overpay insurance that much? Or is this just a business in some other countries? Or is it something else entirely?
Brush, floss and mouthwash. Stay clear of gum and soda.
Based on recent research, mouthwash is now in question in my books.
We aimed to assess if daily usage of Listerine Cool Mint influenced the composition of the pharyngeal microbiome… Listerine use was associated with an increased abundance of common oral opportunistic bacteria previously reported to be enriched in periodontal diseases, oesophageal and colorectal cancer, and systemic diseases. These findings suggest that the regular use of Listerine mouthwash should be carefully considered.
Basically, it differentially kills good bacteria, leaving more of the bad kind.
Mouthwash has never been a question in mine. Brush, floss, and genetics. Mouthwash is for suckers.
What about sugar-free gum?
It’s not the sugar, it’s the abrasive.
Totally true which is why I only chew abrasive free.
The gum itself is abrasive. Think worn tire grooves in an old road surface.
Isn’t xylitol gum recommended though? Maybe I’m using the wrong term.
Your teeth only have so much enamel. Chewing gum rapidly wears that down.
Waterflossers are better than nothing. Best is floss to get the stuff wedged at the contact, then interdental brushes to get the stuff under the contact - these must be snug, otherwise you’re not effectively using them.
Soft and small toothbrush, preferably an electric with a pressure sensor. The counter oscillating Crest/Oral B type is probably the most affordable. Don’t need to get the top model. Some only time 2 minutes instead of 30s, so I’d recommend counting to 30 seconds (properly! Not rushing!) and do a quarter of your mouth at a time. Point at the gumline a little when you brush, approximately 45 degrees. You must push your lips and tongue out of the way. Do an extra minute after you’re done with 2 minutes. Do this at least twice daily, consider a third time during the day, and you must not skip the one just before you sleep. Do not consume anything but water after this and prior to sleep. Do not get a midnight snack.
Use neutrafluor/prevident 5000 toothpaste, or clinpro 5000. Extra fluoride means extra protection from acid challenges. Use neutrafluor mouthwash if you must use a m/w during the day. Do not rinse the paste off your teeth.
Eliminate where possible from your diet anything sour, tart, or fizzy. That includes soda water and citrus and ACV. Eliminate where possible sweet things, including fruit - especially dried fruit.
Rinse with plain water after eating and drinking.
Common triggers of heartburn are foods that may be fried, fatty, and or spicy. Some people are triggered by dairy or lactose, or eating too late before lying down.
Treat your heartburn by prevention, not relievers. If you experience any symptom relating to heartburn, rinse thoroughly with plain water. Do this too if you vomit for any reason.
If you have dry mouth, try Xylimelts or the new range Freshmelts (this doesn’t seem toxic to dogs). You can wear these during your sleep. Also treat the origin of your dry mouth.
…I’m sure I have other tips… But these are the most common ones I make to my patients.
Brush, floss, no sugar
You forgot genetics.
Sadly genetics are not things you can do to maintain your teeth. You have them or you don’t have them. But regardless of your base genetics, regular flossing, regular brushing, and no sugar in your diet will give you the best dental hygiene you can hope for
hunt down people with genetically good teeth and steal their genome
Brush and floss
Get a Sonicare toothbrush
This was a game changer for my gums and not brushing too hard. Wish I had known about Sonic Cares sooner!
Cut out soft-drinks in general.
They are not only packed full of sugar, but some very popular ones contain phosphoric acid. If you had to invent an combination of edible ingredients designed to damage tooth enamel, you couldn’t do worse. The fact that this is a diet-friendly option is almost a side-benefit. It’s that bad.
One super easy thing to help a little is swish some water in your mouth after you east/drink. If you’re gonna drink something sugary or acidic, do it quickly, don’t sip it.
i find toothpaste and mouthwash miserable, and this is the advice i got from my dentist as well. Plus getting fluoride pills to suck on to make up for not getting flouride from the toothpaste.
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Watch YouTube videos on how to brush and floss.
I am absolutely taking the L here since I’ve apparently been brushing my teeth wrong for most of my life.
I’ll never get flossing right so water picking has been the next best thing.
I currently spend a 1-2k a year at the dentist, which imo, isn’t that bad. But probably way less had I learned proper brushing and had better flossing habits.
Brush and floss just like your dentist tells you. Also use a real mouthwash, like Listerine.
See comment above, but basically, I question whether mouthwash is all that, based on recent research: https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/jmm/10.1099/jmm.0.001830
If you do exactly what your dentist tells you, you should be coming in every 6 months for a checkup…
And your point?
Fine. Don’t brush and floss every day. Don’t visit the dentist often. It’s your call. It’s your teeth.
Between genetics and laziness, most people need a cleaning every 6 months.
If you don’t think you do, then don’t. Last I checked the dentist isn’t your mom or dad.
Gotta get the mouthwash with fluorine; not all kinds of Listerine have it.
A toothpaste that restores your enamel. It’s prescription in the US but you can get Apagard Premio off Amazon.
It’s probably a good idea to get some extra fluoride since the Apagard doesn’t have any. I use purple Listerine, but I kinda hate it, so find something you like.
You should floss, which I’m shitty at, so I use a water pick a few times a week. All kinds of nasty crap comes out, even after brushing, so it’s gotta be better than nothing.
I use a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, no need to get the fancy ones, it’s mostly extra accessories. There are probably less expensive ultrasonic toothbrushes out there that work well… doing it twice a day manually is probably better for you than once a day with a fancy toothbrush.
Hang in there, clinical trials of a drug that regrows teeth are underway and the results are promising.
Floss picks, with a little piece of floss held in a plastic “harp” are so much easier than a spool of loose floss.
I am also told that flossing, while it does remove gunk and food bits, introduces oxygen, which serves to fight off anaerobic bacteria.
I’m going to give those another try. My mouth is tiny and my fingers are stubby (thanks dad! ;-) But you get way more crap out with floss.
Most of the ones you find will have the “handle” parallel to the floss. There are some out there where the handle is perpendicular to the floss, but they’re a bit harder to find on store shelves. I found that the latter make it much easier to get to the back teeth, but I do just fine with the former, too.
Disclaimer: This is not personal medical/dental advice, just my own understanding that I’m sharing.
Floss (or water pick) first, then mouthwash, then brush, then don’t rinse.
Floss to open up the gums and knock loose anything stuck in between teeth. Mouthwash to get rid of the solids and get a bit of fluoride in between teeth. Brushing after mouthwash, because toothpaste typically has a much higher concentration of fluroide than mouthwash does. And avoid rinsing after brushing so you don’t wash away the residual fluoride from the toothpaste.
Sounds logical.
Unless your toothpaste has no fluoride ;-)
That sounds like a really bad idea to me, but you do you I guess.
You can get dental work for cheap or free by reaching out to dental schools near you. They always need patients for their students.
There isn’t really anything “extra” you can do at home that you aren’t already supposed to be doing to maintain those mouth bones.
They’re not bones.
It’s a turn of phrase, but I appreciate the pedantry.