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We need to stop treating courts and judges like they are sone mythical magical place and judges are mini little emperors in their mini little kingdom. It’s just a fucking place people need to go to handle their business. Why the fuck should everyone stand because the guy showed up for his job. All this shit is too much and judges are increasingly out of their minds
Its all a façade because the system is designed to screw you, and grind upon the face of the poor. Justice? More like just-us.
Just looks dumb to me but what do I know
I think that’s intentional. It proves their dominance. I mean you have to go to them and they are wearing something very silly and you have to pretend it’s not silly, and if you don’t they will harm you somehow.
Laugh at a lawyer wearing a wig, and they will come to your house at night and cut you!
Just some good ol’ oppression of the prol’s through class.
If you’ve ever been inside a British courtroom, you’ll discover that they regularly act dumb, too. Lots of pomp and circumstance, but its still the same clueless, vulgar assholes under the hood.
Time to ditch the Guy Fawkes mask for a powdered wig instead
In 2024 it’s just stupid and ridiculous and borderline racist
The bleach blonde, white European aristocracy hairstyle wig was designed to show that only certain people were welcome in the club
Wigs are so much a part of British criminal courts that if a barrister doesn’t wear one, it’s seen as an insult to the court.
Most are handmade from 100 percent horsehair, though there are synthetic versions available today, too. Horsehair wigs aren’t cheap, either, especially when they’re handmade and combine an ages-old craft of styling, sewing and gluing. A judge’s full-length wig can cost more than $3,000
Those who couldn’t afford the best garb but wanted to look the part wore wigs made of hair from goats, spooled cotton or from the hair of human corpsesThis is the stupidest and most disgusting thing I’ve read today, thanks.
Hair is already dead and animal hair (can’t remember which animal) is also used for the best brushes used for painting. IMO as long as the hair is washed which it obviously is, it’s not really disgusting.
Its disgusting to use a being’s body without their consent.
Again, hair is dead.
And honestly if you are referring to the animals (which you are, otherwise you wouldn’t say “beings”) they likely wouldn’t have been born in the first place if humans didn’t like their hair.
Necrophila is immoral.
Yeah no shit Sherlock. That has nothing to do with taking the hair of dead people though.
If I’m dead you can take whatever part you want and use it for medical purposes or wigs I guess. I don’t really care, because I would be fucking dead.
Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t care.
Why do you think cultures have condemned necrophilia?
Taking hair isn’t necrophilia
Yeah, I demand an end to wooden structures!
Amazing cause it does all of those things so damn poorly. You’re thinking of Diamond encrusted ivory full head masks instead
“May I approach the bitch?”
to bring formality, solemnity, and anonymity
That’s exactly why Rip Taylor wore a wig, too.
That’s stupid, they’re stupid.
are they aware that their attempt at solemnity makes me giggle
I had a lot of trouble taking the courtroom scenes of Broadchurch seriously
And just a bit of fun!
Looks just as silly to me as pantaloons or suits or fedoras