Microwave: ahhhh baby all done Food: I’m not even warm yet….
Food still has ice on it, plate gives you 2nd degree burns.
If your microwave has the option, set it to power level 6 (or 60%) and up the time by 1.5-2x. No more blisteringly hot plates with ice puck food on top!
So raw it’s still on the cluck.
For some reason this bothers me
@MicroWave@lemmy.world pls confirm
Oven: 5 more minutes, just like that!
Microwave: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ding
You can also deny it finishing by stopping at the 1s mark on the timer :)
Whenever I use the pullout method, it spends the rest of the day making noises and flashing me. Trying to tempt me back.
That’s what SSRIs do.
Toaster: I’ll let you know when I’m done
Also, oven: frozen pizza right on the grate.
Microwave: you put that shit on a plate and a paper napkin on top of it, don’t want all the other food inside the microwave touching your food