and what for?

I don’t understand the theatrics involved and being brutally honest, once I’ve decided a workplace is not a good fit I don’t give a f*ck about it and put all my energies into transitioning to the new job.

Even if I may find the same sh*t at my new workplace, things cannot stand as they are now and I have to move on. I have to leave.

I don’t believe any rational person would act differently.

People happy with their jobs don’t go job hunting or interviewing. It’s always the unhappy ones, the unfulfilled ones the ones that yearn for change, for something different the ones looking. It could be your micromanaging manager, it could be coworkers playing favorites or doing several 20 minute smoking pauses plus their regular 30 minute one…

Why pretend everything’s sweet and dandy at the current workplace? It’s ridiculous.

I’m now at a situation were I don’t care about burning bridges and calling a spade a spade if they ask why I’m leaving (my coworkers are petty, childish, lazy, don’t see that I’m constantly working while they talk about stupid issues and still need my help to finish their job), I work more than them and they still have an attitude with me.

If I leave my current workplace, chances are I won’t come back nor work with my coworkers in the future. And even if I had to work with any of them in the future, why would I want to suffer that again? I’d reject that offer.

I value being sincere and while I could play the stupid game and claim I’ll call them or hope our paths cross again (dear god, no) fully knowing that’s a lie, I’d rather be direct and leave no looking back.

Even if you play theatrics because you think it’s the only way to survive because you need the money, doesn’t that mess with your mind, constantly having to suffer people you despise? I couldn’t do it. My mental health is more important than playing stupid games (just my 0.02$).

    3 months ago

    Because I’m a functional adult who can moderate myself and retain some professionalism?

    Also, even if an employer is ass, stories of you making a scene will spread to other potentially better employers. There are no advantages to burning bridges, but the disadvantages can be many.

      3 months ago

      There are no advantages to burning professional bridges.

      Otherwise I agree.

      There is a large gap between “oh, thats right I forgot she worked here a few months ago” and “that bitch? I’m glad she’s gone”.

      The latter of the two is more likely to say something negative about you to a future potential employer or coworker. And this gets more true the older you get, especially if you continue working in the same/adjacent field.

    3 months ago

    For my own sanity.

    I want to look back knowing that they were in the wrong and I was as professional as I could be.

    If it’s a bad workplace, I rather them just get consequences for their own actions instead of trying to make it more personal.

    Also, your words don’t mean much at that point, you leaving hurts them waaay more than you telling them to fuck off on your way out.

    3 months ago

    I’m surprised to see the act of putting conscious thought into maintaining positive relationships with others defined as “[playing] theatrics.” There are far more theatrics and drama involved in making a point to talk shit and burn bridges in the guise of honesty than there are in simply turning the other cheek and moving on.

    Even if you are correct, telling your would-be boss in an interview that your coworkers were petty and childish is an enormous red flag. Speak to the kind of behaviour that happened, not what you think about it, if you genuinely want to be honest. “I felt overworked as a result of my coworkers failing to meet the expectations put on them by management” is not the same as “my coworkers were lazy.” One is a mixture of perspective and reasonably verifiable outcomes, while the other is a subjective value judgement. Spouting opinions and calling it “honesty” is not honest.

    3 months ago

    People happy with their jobs don’t go job hunting or interviewing.

    I’ve always done so every three to four years. Having options makes negotiating wage increase so much easier.

    3 months ago

    I don’t understand why you would. It’s extra work to burn a bridge. And what do you gain? Nothing. You just put in effort to lose a bridge.

    People happy with their jobs don’t go job hunting or interviewing. […] Why pretend everything’s sweet and dandy at the current workplace? It’s ridiculous.

    I’ve left multiple jobs mostly because I was bored with the work. I’m usually pretty vocal about it, and every manager I’ve had have been very understanding, some even putting in extra effort to help me find something more interesting within the company. There’s no need to pretend that everything is fine, nor is there any need to throw a tantrum.

    3 months ago

    I do it because it really frustrates the people who don’t like you when you force them to shake your hand and look you in the eye.