Dying. If it’s so scary, then why does everybody do it?
I plan on skipping, so you might want to change it to almost everybody.
Thanks to denial, I’m immortal
Thanks to denial I’m so many other things, you wouldn’t even believe!
Hey, more than 6% of people haven’t died. Not everybody does it.
Jokes aside, it’s the pain of dying that’s scary, not the idea of being dead.
Ending capitalism to embrace a system where we end poverty, consumerism and discriminations.
I’ve always suspected people conflate communism with dictators, which is the main cause of distrust for anything anti-capitalism.
Are there any examples of a nation successfully transitioning out of capitalism without ending up in a dictatorship? I want to believe it can be done, but I have no idea what it would look like.
The only people who are truly afraid of this are the few wealthy who stand to lose 80% of their enormous wealth that they will never use in their lifetime.
If only. You forgot how people are afraid to help others who came from an other country. Most of people want equality but only with their superiors. And people are afraid to change their lifestyle to a more ecological one.
You really think that the only ones against ending capitalism are a handful of wealthy people?
Spiders (USA).
Most spiders are harmless to humans and even beneficial to have around.
Giggles in Aussie
I rationally understand that spiders are mostly beneficial but they’re just so alien. Too many legs, too many eyes, move too fast. Also there are a few that will kill you. Here in SoCal black widows are in every dark spot in my garage.
Public speaking. I’ve seen surveys where more people are afraid of speaking in front of an audience than they are of dying, which is utterly insane. For the vast, vast majority of scenarios where you might find yourself speaking to a group of people, the risk level is very low. Likewise, in the vast majority of cases, few people are likely to remember much about your performance. It’s just talking.
Well I mean dying is a one time thing. However if you do badly at public speaking you will never hear the end of it. And if you do good they might ask you to do it again.
Children in horror movies, like when they say creepy things or sometimes smile when something horrible is happening.
Dude, just kick that kid like a football.
Kids are scary because it looks bad to a jury when you kick them.
B-but you see, the kid was CURSED!
Oh, never mind then!
Universal healthcare. So scary only 33 of the world’s 34 most modernized countries have managed to make it work.
Traveling to a foreign country.
I haven’t done as much as a millionaire traveler but I have touched 30 countries and directly explored about 20 of them. I got to see wealthy first world Europe, as well as Morocco, Egypt, South America in Peru and a whole bunch of southeast Asia and India and Sri Lanka. Not to mention road trips in Canada and parts of the US west coast and east coast.
I got to see a lot of dirt poor slums and really rough places.
I don’t drink nor do I do drugs because I’m in recovery myself (30 years sober) … and what I discovered is that once you remove any and all illegal behavior, drugs and alcohol, the majority of people everywhere in the world are decent people like you and me who are just trying to get by. Sure they want your money and some people are desperate but touristic places usually attract seedy people anyway. Regular common people away from tourist places are just getting by and they really don’t care who you are.
This is all within the realm of being realistic too … you don’t go wandering down a lonely alleyway on your own or go into a dark sleazy noisy bar. I’m just saying that as long as you are safe and others are safe, people the world over are no different than you and me.
99.9% of every horror movie, which should be renamed jump annoyances, tada
Root canals. The procedure has come a long way since the 90s and is relatively smooth and painless now. Obviously having a good and skillful edodontist also helps, but it’s no longer excruciating like decades ago.
Can confirm. The pain kept me awake the night before my appointment, so I was quite tired while having my canals filled. As soon as the dentist had given me a couple of anesthetic shots, I had to struggle to stay awake. I felt nothing during the procedure, and the only pain after was in my wallet.
Australian animals.
Americans are the absolute worst at it and it’s just so stupid. Yes we have poisonous snakes and spiders, so does America.
We have more of them than America, yes.
You know what we don’t have? Large predators. You can go walking in the bush in Australia and you might see one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. You know what you do? You don’t fuck with it and continue on with your business.
You’re walking in America and oh, you’ve just stumbled across one of the multiple species of bears, coyotes, wolves, cougars etc. Animals that may chase you down and maul you. It’s not even a competition.
And you, as an American, might say ‘oh but you pretty much never see them’. Yeah same with dangerous snakes etc in Australia.
America doesn’t have Gympie Gympie trees.
That is true, again, very specific area, I’ve never seen one in near 4 decades.
A chill guy on a Citi bike
The heat death of the universe.
You literally don’t need to worry about it at all. You won’t be there for it when it happens.
You’ve never had someone miss before, have you?
I have those veins that makes the nurse go all happy asking if the trainee can have a go (they are big and juicy).
So yeah I have had some fat blues 😋
Inconvenient? Sure, it even hurts sometimes, but I wouldn’t say scary.
Clowns. Like, why? You don’t even hear about a fear of clowns in ancient documents/literature.
Fire eating. It’s super dangerous so there’s a lot of safety protocol you must follow. But when it comes time to actually do it, most of the difficulty is psychological
(I’m an instructor)
Maybe I’m in the minority but I still think inhaling wrong and being covered in fire inside and outside is scary.