I’m not even sure how many chickens I can fit on my current hard drive, but it’s probably more than the number of persons I can fit.
Yeah, you definitely don’t want to get one that only holds 1 chicken. The extra money is worth it to hold 1 chickens.
How many chickens can the 0 TB drive store, I wonder?
No no, that’s 0 Tuberculosis.
Probably about as much as 1 person.
640 kilochickens ought to be enough for anybody.
Only if you eat fewer than 20 chickens per day.
I would filter by 1 chicken just to see what comes up
Probably 1 chicken
Weirdly, it was just a hard drive. I took this screenshot 1-2 months ago and the filter options aren’t quite the same today, but “1 chickens” still shows up as option. If I select it, I get: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-500G-USB3-0-External-Hard-Disc-HDD-State-Drive-Notebook-Desktop-for-Flash-Deals-Women-Men-New-Blue/9815853058
“Hm… 1 chicken or 1 chickens… 🤔”
Hold up. There are six 1 chickens? I gotta see what a 1 chickens capacity drive looks like.
1 Chicken is measured by the cut size. The smallest currently is measured in bites. Here is a 3lb partition…
Do they come in terabites?
Cubes?! Well I’ll be darn, we got solid-state chicken now.
I think a cube is equivalent to a byte
No, a cube is clearly slang for a qubit or quantum bit so we are dealing with storage for a quantum computer.
Now chicken has ribs? Did they grow up in 3 mile Island?
The six 1 chickens are for RAID
Redundant Avians In Drive?
The filters are different today and only one result shows up, but apparently this is a 1 chickens drive: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-500G-USB3-0-External-Hard-Disc-HDD-State-Drive-Notebook-Desktop-for-Flash-Deals-Women-Men-New-Blue/9815853058
If you’re curious enough to reproduce the results yourself, obviously it’s Walmart (I’m not proud, but they’re the only store within an hour of my small town that carries essentially any electronics at all). I got the results searching for “20tb external drive” (not carried, it turns out) and trying to filter by capacity and in-store, but I imagine you could perform a less specific search and perhaps get even more amusing filters.
How many 0 TB drives do i need to store this image?
log 0
I think I understood logarithms to some extent when I was in college … 25 years ago … but even if I still remember how they work, my brain’s not getting there tonight.
log 0 goes to -infinity, so the operation is illegal.
Well, thank you for explaining, but I guess now you have to be placed under arrest.
So it goes.
Is this a Vonnegut reference?
If so, I can’t respond positively enough.
segmentation fault at 0x87ac4608
core dumpedSo about saving that core dump… :)
hehe :)
btw i went through your post history and you seem cool and based :)
Thanks! ;-)
I’m gonna upgrade to the 0 TB hard drive pretty soon so everything stops using up so much storage
yeah especially since these days software seems to expand to fill the available volume, just like a hot gas.
Personally, I measure capacity in Tera-dactyls.
Since dactyl mean finger, which can also be translated as a digit, it kinda works. 🤔
It’s also a quantity of alcohol.
Try a different store, they probably have a 1 PetaPerson drive.
A PetaPerson would hold 0 chickens.
Chickens are a bad file system to use anyway, they can get plucked too easily and fail.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see chickenfs next time I format a drive. It would probably pair well with butterfs.
I hear butterfs even runs on a potato.
Chickens don’t run on potatoes though, so I’d avoid that if you’re wanting to run chickens and butterfs on the same system.
I don’t know why but chickenfs sounds like a new trend on pornhub.
You must be thinking of step-chickenfs.
“Can you help me with my homework…”
One chicken is equal to 1,024 Bacockobytes of data (more commonly known as simply a ‘bacock’)
I absolutely despise how online retailers have always allowed sellers to use the most nonsensical classifications for certain item categories, to the point most categories’ filters are fucking useless
“User experience? Lol fuck that, browse endlessly you fucking peon!”
Everyone has their own way of doing things. In order to integrate them, you have to create your own way of doing things. Later, other people have to integrate your new schema with their own. It’s just the nature of working with many different companies
Okay, but what company measures hard drives in chickens?
Impossible to say how the screenshot came about. At some point, the semantics of someone’s data was misinterpreted. Something was called a hard drive when it isn’t, something was treated as a capacity when it isn’t
Just as a matter of interest, at the time of the screenshot I opened one of the “chickens” results and combed the page but failed to find any instance of the word (singular or otherwise). Today and yesterday, several people have asked me for the “chickens” results, which are sadly fewer now; however, one still exists within the constraints of the filters I applied. I still can find no instance of the word on the product page.
I’m sure the word “chicken” appears somewhere in the metadata, but it’s still a failure of the system and the UX.
edit: s/and/any/
From personal experience, you will only be able to fit one chicken into your network, but you will end up with at least two, possibly more.
If you refuse to buy said chickens, one or more will arrive on their own
So, you might as well just default to three and hope that’s the end of it.
The good news is that chickens very much enjoy the warmth of a humming PC, and will gladly lay eggs there.
That last part is not a joke.
Is chicken-networking related to duck-networking as described in The Story about Ping?
There’s some overlap there for sure.
Problem is that the ducks are quackers, and the chickens are giant peckers, along with being some serious mothercluckers when you take the eggs off of the pc.
Yo, give me the hard drive that fits another bard drive. I’ll load a hard drive onto the hard drive in my hard drive so I can load a hard drive on it.
I heard you like hard drives …
Which language has a word/abbreviation that can translate as either chicken or something to do with data storage?
I don’t understand your question. You don’t use chickens as a measurement of file size?
Next you’ll tell me you don’t describe a gigachicken as a person!
edit: I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Egg, Inc.
There’s a huge difference between chicken^4 vs chickens^4. Approximately (✓chick/4)π
Obviously, one is chicken^4 and one is chicken * s^4
Only if plucked.
Plato in shambles
im getting the new WD Black 1 chicken drive. the RD/RW speeds blow SSD’s out of the water.
1 chickens