If it’s a legitimate assault, the male body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
If you carry a sign reading “you deserve to be raped” then you can’t complain about being clubbed on the head, because you obviously are a waste of genetic material
I think “you deserve to be hit over the head with a baseball bat” is an understandable response to “you deserve to be raped”.
I’d say, it’s too mild a response, but anything within the line, I guess.
Forcible penetration by a baseball bat might put things in perspective for him.
No one deserves to be hurt. Unfortunately, some people do ask for it.
This guy was absolutely asking for it.
I disagree. There are definitely people who deserve to be hurt.
Sucks he didn’t die.
Only the good die young I’ve heard
- Pinochet: 91
- Reagan: 93
- Thatcher: 87
- Kissinger: 100
- Mugabe: 95
- Sheldon Adelson: 87
Checks out.
In France we have Jean-Marie Le Pen. He tortured people and was friends with nazis. He’s 96 and still alive.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
He’s 96 and still alive
That’s awful!
Roman Polankski is 91 and still kicking.
I feel like the universe’s Karma Police needs new recruitment or leadership or something.
People who do shit like that, evade justice then live that long shouldn’t be allowed to happen. The way light can’t escape a black hole, degenerate and violent people shouldn’t be able to escape justice.
No one is too old to taste a bat
I used to think that was just a saying but now that I’m in my 40s, it has generally held true, and it suuuucks.
There’s always next time ☺️
Your body, my choice to hit it with a baseball bat.
Tabitha Brubaker has been charged felony assault and marijuana possession
Boooo, fuck off with the weed charge on there too
He pressed charges over that? I hurt myself worse at work and walk it off. That guy’s a bitch.
Now time to be around him with a sign reading, “You deserve to be hit on the head with a bat.” I’m certain he’d agree.
He’s still standing in the picture, we should let her try again
I guess we could all have a turn at the human piñata.
I literally said “FUCK YES” out loud when I read this.
I think she used the baseball bat incorrectly in this particular situation. Opportunity missed!
There was once a time when “Fighting Words” were a viable defense in cases like these, and that sign certainly qualifies as fighting words.