I’ve always dreamt of waking in a magic forest. And I mean like, no explanation. Just Poof I’m there, kinda thing. I think a lot of it stems from games like Zelda or any RPG.
I’d love to retire to a cozy inn with an endless pot of stew
One where there were multiple sentient species in addition to humans.
I would like to choose how I live in the world outside of the control of capitalism, the nation state, and boarders.
Be able to shapeshift so my body can finally match my identity
Secret group of super powered freedom fighters recruits me to their cause on the basis that I’ve got some kind of special sauce inherent to my being. Hot chicks who’ve admired me from the shadows hand me weapons that I somehow already know how to use, and only their utter devotion to our world-saving cause keeps them from ripping my clothes off and covering me in kisses. All the horror and suffering of my life finds meaning in a mission the fulfills my need for purpose.
In case you’re not aware, there’s a whole genre of media like that called isekai.
Wish granted ! Stand right there I’ll be back in a sec !
The Truck Kun commeth
Iametekudasaaaiii, turuku-kun!
I’d like minimum wage to be able to support my family, so that a job flipping burgers could actually feed us
Failing that, to live as a bunny in a cottagecore tree stump, spending my days slicing up strawberries like they’re roasts, and baking pies with my neighbours
Being able to actually do anything you understand well enough, the way that magic works in many settings. A brilliant engineer can design an airplane, but he still needs lots of workers and machines and materials to actually build one. A wizard who knows how to cast “fly” can just go ahead and cast it and fly around. If he has the right books, he doesn’t need other people for anything at all.
The sort of mystery only possible in a story where the author himself doesn’t have to know what the secret is. I love science but I was very disappointed when I was a kid and I realized that science meant that everything ultimately had a mundane explanation. A mysterious structure? Built by some Bronze Age dudes. Dinosaurs? Unusually large animals. Legendary heroes? Made-up stories. Even if elves or unicorns turned out to be real, they would have a mundane explanation too because the whole universe follows rules.
Getting laid.
The fantasy: i gain time stopping powers with little to no side effects on using it
The result: “Billionaire suicides skyrocket across the globe”
Seen “Cashback”?
No. Movie, series, something else?
It’s a movie, highly recommend!
Star Trek’s 24th century Earth sounds like a reasonably nice place. I doubt I’d qualify for Starfleet, and wouldn’t try.
I just want to see what life is like for the average broken neurodivergent in that reality. Also, what’s at the location of my current house in that reality? Same construction? Did a version of me live there? Was it there but replaced in the intervening 350 years? etc.
I just want to see what life is like for the average broken neurodivergent in that reality
I hate that I understand this.
I’m okay with not understanding it
Pull sword from stone, become (nearly) unquestioned ruler.
Night of the Comet
furries rn: become my fursona