This isn’t even my final form.
Russia is very very fair to Ukrainians. They get full citizenship and all social preserved - pensions, medical, dental etc. Palestinians can only dream
Jesus Christ what is this fucking take?
Somehow I don’t see u guys complain about Israel genocide - they don’t want to give Palestinians any rights at all
Why not support both underdog victims of a imperialist regime?
I get supporting Palestinians, but why plead the Russian cause?
You are clueless. If you knew the facts you would be anti US, anti Israel, and pro Palestine.
And I am, I’m just equally anti Russia.
There are no sides. There is no good and no enemy. World politics is a strategy game of power and influence. No less and no more. If you think any morale and emotion is involved you’re mistaken. Once you understand that you’ll get clarity on what to do. Hating Israel or the US is going to get you nowhere. Convincing others to join your hate is getting you nowhere. The people with the strongest emotions are always the ones that get eventually pushed around like pawns.
You’re not looking if you see us not complaining.
You might not want to use Israel as your benchmark of “fair”.
I’m so glad Lemmy lets me tag people
Ohoh - what’s mine?
Must be nice in that parallel dimension of yours.
I spent some time Sunday with a refugee from Donbass. This isn’t how she experienced it.
Gotta get that asylum claim through somehow.
There is a reason lots of Ukrainians are actually ran to Russia instead
The raped and butchers kids and teenagers in Bucha disagrees. You are either sorely misinformed or Russian psyops. I suspect the latter.
That was debunked forever ago. See the grayzone.
“People get better treatment than genocide” isn’t the brag you think it is
And as many 8th floor windows as they like to jump out of.
No wonder Krasnov Trump and Nazi Elon Musk are panicking and begging for a deal.
And god I hope they keep going and keep winning.
Then go fight there. They’re hiring.
I have a friend in Kiev and they’re kidnapping people to send them to the frontline. Maybe you can take his place if you like Ukraine that much. It’s funny how jingoists who cheers for war are never the ones actually fighting it.
What should they have said, then? That they want Ukraine to lose and surrender? That they want the stalemate to continue indefinitely?
I hope they win is probably good. I hope they continue to fight might be out of touch. OP sounds fake though, who has a friend in
Kyiv“Kiev” that repeats Russian propaganda narratives to them?
Right they should have peacefully be annexed to Soviet Union 2.0
I guess you would have gone with that
You kidding? Last time latinoamericana tried to show support some crazy Ukrainian girls answered with monkey emojis. Bunch of racist neanderthals.
I heard of a bunch of Brazilians fighting in the international legion.
Serving sopa de macaco to the troops?
Uma delicia ;) But they were serving 7.62s to the russians for sure, there was a lot of combat footage coming from the Kreminna Forest where they were holding the line.
Then go fight there. They’re hiring.
Fair point.
I have a friend in Kiev and they’re kidnapping people to send them to the frontline. Maybe you can take his place if you like Ukraine that much. It’s funny how jingoists who cheers for war are never the ones actually fighting it.
Oh wait, this is an astroturf post.
Since when is mandatory conscription “kidnapping”?
It’s what the troll center boss told them to say.
A friend’s father got kidnapped by the state here in sweden due to not showing up for draft… It does sound way worse with those words though
I seriously considered it, but they specifically said they don’t need buffoons.
Especially without American Support
From the Kyivpost supported 100% by USAid funds. This is 100% propaganda and untrue by the same %. This doesn’t belong in any news group.
The Kyiv Post is the oldest English news publication of Ukraine. They’ve been reporting for almost 30 years now.
And FYI, the USAid funds have been cancelled for all independent media in Ukraine.
It’s still a biased source and promotes false narratives. Nothing I said is incorrect. You seem to be a very aggressive Ukrainian supporter and not aware of facts.
No way, the Ukrainian Newspaper is not biased towards Russia? Who could’ve guessed? Bias does not equal false narratives.
Funny coming from a totally non-suspicious 1 day old Lemmy account.
The news zine is supported by US government money; therefore they represent what the Biden Administration narrative was and is. Funny how they never mentioned that they themselves were recipients of USAid when they reported on USAid being cut off. A lot of delusional people out there, and we’re not being fooled anymore by this propaganda. Also stop trying to through the messenger under the bus. There is no way in hell that Ukraine is winning, they’re losing ground daily. Stop the B$ and delusions.
Oh shit, this guy again.
Also for someone who’s “served in the Canadian military” I’m surprised you don’t know enough to look at the territorial maps that are updated constantly via drone footage and geo location data.
So, are they already taking Crimea back, after regaining Luhansk and Donetsk? Because that’s what “starting to win” means. Oh, the kyivpost…
In what world is “total victory” equivalent to “starting to win”?
In Zelensky’s.
The main, possibly only, glimmer of hope in the article was “assets in and outside Russia had strong evidence that Russian arms production during 2025 has flatlined and is likely to contract, because of parts and labor shortages,” and Russia is drafting 100,000 fewer men than last year. That seems well short of “starting to win,” unfortunately. Ukraine also appears to be losing 1/3 of their military support if what Zelensky said in the article is true. Did I miss something?
The Russia was able to barely retain the size of its forces when its losses were 800 to 1200 per day. Now they are 1300 to 1900 per day, and its ability to recruit new troops has not risen and it seems it may have even decreased.
That means, the size of the Russian armed forces is decreasing by 500 to 700 soldiers each day! In a year that makes 180 000 to 255 000 soldiers per year. When their army shrinks in size with about 200 000 soldiers per year, they’re very soon going to have plenty of “fun” trying to defend all of their front.
Defend their front from what? How is Ukraine’s army doing?
From Ukraine reclaiming their territory starting probably around summer 2026 or late winter 2026. The Russia won’t be able to stop that if they don’t have troops.
Regarding how the Ukrainian army is doing… That’s a broad question. But, put shortly: they have managed to mostly hold back a Russian invasion for 11 years now. Especially the last 3 years it has been faring far over expectations. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s a wikipedia article about it: . It’s high time you get acquainted with this theme now in 2025!
Here I have a source too, one that’s a bit more specific:
Relevant quote:
"The problem that Ukraine is facing is not that they are running out of money, [it] is that they are running out of Ukrainians,” U.S. `Secretary of State Marco Rubio said during his confirmation hearing.
My opinion: They’re not going to win. Also it’s disingenuous to say they’ve been holding back a Russian invasion for 11 years.
Marco Rubio is in Trump’s administration. Nothing that comes from there should be assumed true.
They are not running out of Ukrainians. They will have enough of them for another 1300 years with this pace of losses. Also the Russia isn’t running out of Russians for several centuries at this pace.
What is happening, however, is that the Russia is losing soldiers faster than it can recruit new ones.
LOL Almost no cannon fodder to send, the massive amount of arms and equipment they started with but now they’re starting to win?
You are talking about Russia right?
I’m talking about reality, better get used to it
Half a million Russian families had to get used to it already.
Depends if you believe the ghost of Kiev and ‘fighting with shovels side’.
Both sides are a tragedy.
Unfortunately for Russia it’s a matter of survival.
The ukros could’ve just been OK with staying what they had after the coup and not terrorise and take the east that didn’t want anything to do with them.Who were they “taking the east” from?
What is the threat to Russia’s existence?
You have this backwards. The war is existential for Ukrainians. Russians decided to annex Crimea, and then luhansk and Donesk. When Kiev caught for it’s own territory, the Russians went for the capitol and attempted to overthrow the whole country.
The east is mostly ethnic Russians Donbass and Luhansk.
And the South too.
Unfortunately they couldn’t resist and after horrible crimes by fascist thugs (such as burning 47 civilians alive) theyhad to give up.The threat to Russia’s existence?
Have you looked at a map?
Ukraine in nato would make defense impossible from nukes.
That is too close to Moscow to react.
That is a red line and that was known for decades by the west.
Russia did not ‘annex’ Crimea.
They are also ethnic Russians, only have been ukro oficially for some decades.
They have always voted to go back to Russia in referendums loooong before this war.
Especially after when they were discriminated against.All these are verifiable facts, you could know all this with some effort and not only consume US garbage news.
Edit: I just read your comment “Lefties supported Kamala.” so it’s clear you don’t even know the basics of your own sorry country.
And these people want to have an opinion on geopolitics.What does the ethnicity of the inhabitants of the eastern provinces have to do with national borders? Does Mexico have claims to Texas and California? Should the US conquer Canada because of the 10’s of thousands of US natives living there?
If Ukraine was abusing it’s population it should be censored, sanctioned, it’s leaders prosecuted for crimes against international law, but invasion is worse than anything short of genocide. The people of Donesk and Luhansk have had their many of their communities completely destroyed. They are not better off because of the war.
USA’s Mr. 47 will seriously take $5m from Mr. Putin to invite him to live in ‘the land of the free’. And spend all of his ruble there.
As if would want to live in the US banana republic?
Russia is going to run out of troops.
IDK when, but they’re basically feeding their population into a meat grinder trying to take Ukraine.
That’s not too say the Ukraine isn’t taking losses… I’ve just, seen some numbers that indicate that Russia is going to run out of people to send to their deaths before Ukraine will.
Putin needs to give this up before he doesn’t have a military anymore.
Russians are going to be less willing to die to invade Ukraine than Ukrainians are to defend their homes.
As a person who lives in a place, I would be hard pressed to ever be unwilling to defend the place where I live. I can’t even imagine giving up the fight so a foreign government can occupy the land I call home.
I would be surprised if Ukrainians would ever get tired of defending their home land.
I can, however, see Russians being unwilling to sign up to invade a country that clearly doesn’t want them there.
All I’m trying to say is: I agree.
defend US interests?
The kidnapping videos say enough about what ukranians want.Okay Z oomer
Not true. Ukraine is the one with the manpower shortage.
Wow, what an incredible take with zero supporting information, either information I’ve seen published, ever, or information provided by you, the poster.
Thanks for this, DrDickHandler, it’s really helping this conversation evolve into something better!
(/s for anyone too tired to see it)
To be clear: The Russia’s losses are increasing month after month, but their recruitment capacity is not. They are recruiting about 1000 soldiers every day, maybe a bit less. And the number seems to be going down, not growing. They are losing 1300 to 1800 each day now meaning a net loss of something like 400 to 900 soldiers per day!
They won’t run out of population anytime soon, but they will run out of soldiers.
That only means they will have to scale back offensive operations and switch to a defensive posture.
Yup. And that means the Russia will be losing huge amounts of troops and equipment without gaining anything from it. The Ukrainian economy is very small, I think about the size of Slovakia’s economy. The EU can hold Ukraine’s economy up as long as it wants to. Nobody is doing the same for the Russia.
If the Russia had to switch to defending territory without gaining anything more, how would it push for a victory before its economy collapsing?
Russia has been steadily and slowly gaining territory over the last year.
If the Russia had to switch to defending territory without gaining anything more, how would it push for a victory before its economy collapsing?
The current attempt is Trump. It’s doubtful the Russian economy will collapse any time soon. They still have some slack and the Russian population could suffer far more. Their strategy after the first couple of months was to outlast Ukraine and its supporters. The moaning about costs in the countries supporting Ukraine is only growing. Russia has a firm lid on all opposition.
Nobody is doing the same for the Russia
the Russia has been steadily and slowly gaining territory over the last year with a speed of 0.7 % of Ukraine’s territory per year. Which is not strategically relevant. Strategically seen, the Russia has not advanced.
I don’t really see China starting to actively cover the Russian budget. That would jeopardize China’s trade with Europe.
The Russia’s strategy has been to outlast Ukraine’s supporters will to support Ukraine. That will never happen, unless the voices making the fake claims about time being on the Russia’s side are given too much space. Helping Ukraine is so much cheaper than the costs that incur if the Russia takes over Ukraine that there is no logical reason for the EU to end Ukraine’s support ever. Even if some countries were to withdraw their support, enough will retain it to keep Ukraine’s head over water.
The Russian economy will collapse, sooner or later.
The Russian economy will collapse, sooner or later.
I agree, but think it’s later. Russia needs to lose on the battlefield as well before they stop the war.
They are losing 1300 to 1800 each day
Russia is losing up to half a million men per year? What’s your source for this? It seems outlandish
I think these guys are CIA bots. They aren’t using common sense. Everyone including the state department and CIA agrees that Russia has air superiority right? What do you think the casualties of Russia are compared to Ukraine?
Lol what? Russia does not have air superiority. You need a functioning air force for that. They’re to scared to fly anything and Moscow has been hit by Ukrainian drones.
Lol air superiority. Lol I say.
Ukraine publishes daily statistics about Russia’s manpower losses. One would think those numbers are simply propaganda and any army would “of course” exaggerate such numbers.
But, firstly: The numbers reported by Ukraine rise and fall hand-in-hand with the numbers given by Oryx. There is something of an almost fixed multiplier between Oryx numbers and official data provided by Ukraine. And the Oryx numbers are always published later than Ukraine publishes its own, so Ukraine cannot be just copying Oryx’s numbers and multiplying them. And it’s logical that Oryx shows only a fraction of the real number, because for most Russian combat losses there is no photo proof, and Oryx only counts what has photo proof.
So, at least the Ukrainian numbers rise and drop without fake data added. Then the question is whether the scale of the numbers is correct, or if Ukraine intentionally inflates them with some static multiplier. Since there is data about the Russia’s recruitment capacity and the whole size of the Russia’s army, it’s visible that by recruiting about 1000 per day they can keep their army’s size constant. That shows that the losses must be around the same ballpark. And it coincides with the numbers published by Ukraine.
But yes, now that Russians mostly do not have tanks to use in their attacks, they are really using pure meat wave attacks, and that costs a LOT of men. There’s a reason Putin is trying to convince Trump to force Ukraine into an armistice. Losing that many soldiers – indeed almost half a million per year! – is extremely unsustainable, no matter what image Putin is trying to give.
And remember: these numbers are about irrecoverable losses, of which only a fraction are deaths. The number of deaths is far lower.
It’s roughly 1 death for 3-4 injured and out of combat
Russia is running out of troops but their recruitment numbers are way higher than Ukraine’s. I support the Ukrainian armed forces unconditionally and have donated to them multiple times so believe me that it brings me no pleasure to say this, but there is no way Russia runs out of soldiers before Ukraine does.
Russia won’t run out of troops, but they will run out of capable troops: Russian Casualties & Force Generation - Losses, Recruitment & Sustaining the war in Ukraine
they will run out of capable troops
I think you’ve got the wrong tense there, comrade.
How manu are is still left of well trained VDV and guards units?
yes kidnapped ukranian teens are so muck better trained. 🤡
It’s also possible they will stop the zapp Brannigan tactics and dig in to wait for the west to lose interest.
Ukraine is taking horrendous losses that we should be more concerned about. Stay focussed on Ukraine succeeding, not just Russia failing
Fair point.
Go Ukraine!
It’s not that they will run out of people. They have people, but to keep recruitment levels so high and equipment manufacturing so high they are overcharging their economy. Right now in Russia there are three types of jobs if you want to make money afaik, work in the military complex (arms manufacturing), in the gas extraction industry or directly in the military.
It’s Dutch disease x100, if the state at some point stops being able to fund the war machine, their economy collapses.
oh yes the sanctions will force Russia to surrender.
Any day now! 🤡No, the bombs will once it’s army is destroyed, and any attempts to rebuild are routed.
O my sweet summer child You have a lot of imagination.
hahahaaaaaaa still ibelieve your fantasy news?
Any day now!I wouldn’t really mind him not having a military anymore…
I hope that Ukraine dismantles Russia’s corpse for the best bits. Putin’s personal wealth can be used for funding the rebuilding of Ukraine.
Nemiroff forever 🇺🇦
This is hopium.
Sometimes we need hope
Step up, EU. It’s on you now that the US are traitors.
Good. Slava Ukraini
Heroiam slava!
We Europeans should have never hesitated to supply Ukraine. Let’s make up for the fuck-up and give them everything we have and the AmeriKan Nazis can piss and moan on the sidelines.
What if the US stepping back is exactly what Europe needs to become a true superpower?"
It hit me recently that Europe has largely relied on the US to take the lead on global issues, often playing it safe and deferring to American influence. But what if the US pulling back its support is actually a blessing in disguise?
Without the US as the default leader, NATO and the EU could finally step up, stand on their own, and evolve into a unified superpower. This shift could bring much-needed stability to the region—and potentially the world—especially as the US faces its own internal challenges.
Sure, it’s not guaranteed to play out this way, but isn’t this a more appealing vision than the current status quo or the rise of authoritarian powers dominating the global stage?
USA has also quite sternly asked Europe to not become a superpower. And this is something that was openly spoken aloud in 1980’s and 1990’s. Their offer has been “we’ll handle this superpower stuff on your behalf, you guys keep to yourself.” That has kept USA the clear leading superpower, which has been extremely useful for the American economy, and we have been able to concentrate on other stuff, which has been good for our economy.
It’s been an agreement between USA and Europe that Europe will not start competing of power with USA. We have more population and a bigger economy than USA, so I’d guess that now that the agreement has ended, we’ll have to become what we would already have been for decades if we hadn’t been asked not to.
In the 1990s, the US would have been glad if the Europeans would have managed the Yugoslav disintegration and ensuing wars with ethnic cleansing themselves. They were unable and had to rely on the US in Bosnia and Kosovo.
But of course the US leadership understood that this is a consequence of asking EU to refrain from doing that kind of stuff. Would still have been better for USA if Europe would have done much more, so the demands make sense. And I agree that more should have been done!