If it weren’t for projection those dipshits wouldn’t know what to feel about anything.
Free speech absolutist…
What a fucking twat.
Anyone still using twitter should be considered far right, there’s no excuse to stay in that platform.
Anyone still using twitter should be considered far right,
Changing platforms can be a death sentence for an entrenched artist. Also, Threads is a miserable experience, Mastodon’s decentralized nature makes it confusing to navigate (especially for the olds), and BlueSky simply doesn’t have enough content to engage people at the same level.
It’s ironic, but a big chunk of the trans community is effectively stranded on Twitter purely thanks to decision paralysis. They all want to leave but nobody has enough sway to send them in the same direction.
Maybe if Elon can get himself banned in a few more countries. BlueSky got 3 million brazilian new users practically overnight last week.
As seen with Tumblr decay, and then Twitter, I think proprietary platforms will never be a safe haven por LGBT communities.
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“Dark humour” enjoyers when I joke about the military…
“Dark humor” enjoyers when my opinion is slightly different from theirs
“You’re such an easily triggered snowflake”
says the 1 million people who absolutely lost their shit at a 6-pack of bud light in canada
Begin Outrage
Insert NPCmeme.jpg
Echo “You can’t even think for yourself”
End Outrage
Or a black woman in a movie trailer
Or soon, black woman as president
It’s going to be so cool to see reactionaries lose their shit, while they struggle to decide if she’s too black, too woman, or not enough of each.
I fully expect next year is the year we see conservative politicians start using the N-word openly again.
Heeeey, hat trick! I’m all three!
I’m the living bad dream that wakes Tucker Carlson in a cold sweat.
Oh, Oh, are you also a “welfare queen”? You would be like a sleep paralysis demon.
Does disability count? Oh who are we kidding,
FuckerTucker counts it! I’m atheist and anarchist too, so my mere existsance is his eternal misery. 😂Does disability count?
Never if you’re a middle aged white guy. Then where would Bitcoin and sports gambling advertisers find a target rich environment to fleece?
That’s half Tucker’s ad revenue
You know, John sounds very similar to Josh
My name is Josh
Unless you happen to be Josh Vinson Jr. from Omaha, Nebraska - no, it isn’t. Not anymore.
Unfortunately relatable
Says the person who fundamentally misunderstands John’s problem.
I assume you’re implying that John’s problem is that he’s constantly called out for shitty behavior by the groups listed. I think everyone understand’s John’s problem, they just think he’s wrong.
Johns problem is generally that he’s insecure and needs a scape goat because he can’t accept responsibility for his fuck ups.
So he picks a few minorities to target so he doesn’t need to acknowledge that he fucked around too much in high school or did too many drugs.
He doesn’t even need to be a majority, because there will always be someone else to blame
John! Is that you!?
Aaaand lemmie has become reddit.
You have to admit, those 3 groups of people are the most annoying and vocal and talk a lot of shit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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What good reason do they have?
hello, I’m a vegan, I try not to annoy people because I know we’re all going through a lot of shit, but since you asked, you should know: the level of suffering caused by the animal agriculture industry is so extreme and horrific. Like, think of the worst torture imaginable, and it’s worse. And they subject thinking, feeling beings to that. Think about how angry you would feel if you saw someone abusing a dog. Now imagine that on a global, mass-production scale.
The problem is that human brain is really good at protecting itself from having to deal with the mental anguish of knowing that you’re responsible for suffering, so you’ll come up with any number of reasons to excuse your behaviour - it’s natural, it’s the circle of life, etc. etc. but that’s all just excuses. You let other living being suffer so badly because you like how they taste, and you can either accept that fact or you can change.
I accept the fact. I raise my own animals. They dont suffer. Probably live a better quality of life than I do.
The rest of what you said was blahdiblah as fuck and is exactly the reason I think vegans are all annoying as shit. I will enjoy my meat .
Yeah that’s one of those excuses I was talking about. Everyone always consumes animal products from their uncle’s farm. They never, ever buy animal products from the store, or from a restaurant, or fast food, or whatever. Nope. All the animal products you consume are 100% from your uncle’s farm and they’re all mega happy, and you know them all by name!
Trans: e.g. because a lot of people, including people like Elon musk, lose their shit when presented to the idea that if trans-people are trans, that he, as an non-trans-person, is the opposite of trans which is cis.
Just words that dont really.make sense to what I said. Wtf has elon got to do with anything.
Okay, you might actually don’t understand, musk owns one of the biggest social media and musk stated that on the platform the word “cis” is considered a slur. Now you might think what does that have to do with trans people if he is against the word “cis”. Well his daughter is trans-gender and musk insist that the woke mob killed his son as he refuses to acknowledge his daughter. His daughter doesn’t want any relation at all with her father. He keeps deadnaming her. So it is fair to assume the he isn’t very supportive of his daughter. So to sum it up, he is so against trans that the idea of being cis (so the opposite of trans) is too much of an acknowledgement of transgender people.
So why does he matter? Like I said, owner of X, Restricting the speech of many people because of he is too sensitive to handle cis due to his fear(?)/disgust(?) for trans.
So trans people are faced with the reality that some of the most powerful people on the planet are so much of a fucking snowflake and so much against their existence that even “cis” is a problem for them.
That is a good reason to be “annoying” by protest and ridicule these people.
Now musk is only one person but it isn’t particularly difficult to find many many more.
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Virtually every group faces discrimination in some way somewhere. No one mentioned women. I think its definitely where you are. Certainly women where I am have as much opportunity as anyone else, and are not considered second class to men. The 1970s were like that. Most of the world grew up. I hate how everyone now is a generalist and just spews the same echo chamber shit as everyone else.
From my perspective trans aren’t a problem. Its those crazies trying to force 372 genders on people. And I know a post-op mtf who also thinks all that new age gender bullshit is just that.
I’ve met vegans, yeah they were nice enough but they were trying to guilt everybody at least once to consider the animals. Of course… This doesn’t account for those I met but didn’t tell me.
Most of the american politics and confused gender shit is where I see negativity on the net.
Nowhere near as much as people who do CrossFit, people who play pickleball, or air fryer owners.
Haha, Airfryer crew for sure too. Never heard of pickle ball tho
I probably should have written padel/pickleball. It’s similar to padel tennis but with a hollow ball, it’s been gaining traction at a crazy pace in the US and slowly making it into Europe. It’s been slowly taking over padel, which used to be The Sport for office workers who want to make sure they’re practising a sport, want to make sure they can tell you they’re practising a sport, but they don’t want something that will get their heart past 130 BPM.
No hate though - if it gets people doing a sport it’s a good thing. Just don’t tell me every day that pickleball is the best, we need to play pickleball, when are we going to join you for the pickleball match, you need to play pickleball because the CTO of this other company is coming so therefore it’s work - this has actually happened to me, etc.
Padel crew are a bit less vocal, but not by much. I feel this is a bit country-specific. When I lived in Spain, padel was the rage, and in the US it was pickleball. In the UK I don’t see much of either.
Oh anyone who plays Airsoft. In which case that’s literally all they talk about they have no other aspects do their personality.
I’ve spoken with plenty of feminists, vegans, some trans people, and several right wing constitutionalists or other right wing identity. Almost every vegan I’ve talked to in RL was very pleasant and I had to know them a while or go to lunch with them to even find out they’re vegan. Trans I’ve never had a problem with, and occasionally reminded me their preferred pronouns in a very polite way (actually our mutual friends usually did instead). Feminists I’ve only found TERFs annoying.
However the constitutionalist? I got in arguments with him about stuff like whether people should be liable for animal abuse (he claimed animals don’t have a soul so no punishment should come from harming them). He also acted like women were too emotional, but every time we got into a discussion with something he didn’t like he would be nearly yelling. If asked to be calm he’d angry claim not to be logical, not angry/emotional. He was the one we had to walk on eggshells around, while also being the main person doing “wife bad” or other misogynistic jokes.
While that’s one example, I’ve met many others who like to be mean then retreat to “just joking” or “That’s how I grew up”, while the people you claim are more annoying are more likely to adjust to the feelings or likes or dislikes of the person they’re talking with.