The obsession with right wing leaders to look masculine while having absolutely no clue on how to actually be a manly man is fascinating.
That photo is the fourth gayest shit I’ll see all week.
Do you keep a running ranking?
Do you not?
More of a prophecy kind of deal.
Same and I’ve jacked it to gay porn 8 times this week
I feel like part of the problem is that people don’t expect fascism to be so goddamn pathetic. They see obvious morons like this or Trump, and they struggle to imagine how they could possibly be dangerous.
I guess the lesson from history here is that just because they’re ridiculous it doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
Like the stupid titles and vocabulary of the Klan, or the infantile memes of frenworld.
Fascism isn’t about how convincing the leader is, it’s about how discontent the followers are.
There are plenty of discontent Americans who didn’t fall into Trump’s cult.
Hitler’s book was literally titled “my struggle.” His whole shtick was “I’m just this poor downtrodden Everyman trying to help the country, but the bad people won’t let me!”
Angry mobs are dangerous. Any buffoon can rile one up.
Now do one where Trump’s a centaur being ridden hard by Putin. Or the old two-person horse costume with Trump in the ass. No pun intended.
Honestly thank god even Trump isn’t narcissistic enough to think he looks good without a shirt.
Can anyone explain WTF he was wearing motorcycle goggles in this photo? “Working” without a shirt, okay, sure, he wants a sunburn, that’s his problem. But goggles? Is this some proto-cybergoth bullshit?
Idk for sure, but wheat is harvested when it is very dry (lots of dust)… But then the cloth in front of his mouth is missing …
I plucka da spaghetti right outta da grounda.
Mussolini: “Do you want fries with that?”
I get this reference.
And I had an onion tied to my belt, as was the style at the time.
Strong Elon Musk cosplaying as a Libertarian vampire vibes
What a strange looking person. He’s like mini-me for Andre The Giant.
I think his dick might be erect
I didn’t recognize him, with out the piano wire.
The goggles zey do nothing.
I don’t get how the goggles are facing upwards but the cap is facing downwards. You don’t have to see everything that’s in front of you I guess.
It’s weird that they still did the photo op even after all those bees stung his face
Nothing has changed. Religion and politics to control the masses.