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Someone told me they saw people on Facebook complaining that the Olympics opening ceremony was too diverse. I was like, did they want to have an Olympics with all other countries banned?? That already exists, and it’s called national championships. Otherwise, a sports competition that includes the entire world is going to include people from the entire world. I don’t understand what they wanted…an Olympics in Paris with only White USA??
Yeah I got a older co worker who behaves in a way that strikes me as very undiagnosed autistic of his generation. He went on a whole rant about how the Olympics should be like a family reunion where you have to mask your less socially acceptable behaviours and cannot just be yourself because you shouldn’t always be yourself around your family for the sake of overall unity…
And yeah… I was just thinking how sad that was. Like bro. We’ve since realized how toxic that is to people and our generation is trying to undo that expectation and damage. The neurotypical flattening of self expression always was a tyranny, you just normalized it.
The neurotypical flattening of self expression always was a tyranny
Dude, you just blew my mind. Thank you.
The neurotypical flattening of self expression always was a tyranny, you just normalized it.
I chef kiss this sentence.
I assume that even a national championship is going to have a lot of POC represented, not just whiteys.
It’s a bit exhausting that everyone is so focused on the people not worth mentioning all the time. Not only we drown in lots of trash from these Facebook people but then others spread it everywhere else too. I hoped it would be a positive post for a change
It’s not too diverse. It’s too woke.
If there wasn’t so many prophylactics in the Olympic Village they would be making a new diverse race of super-humans!
I’m glad they provide them every year though. Lots of young, fit, attractive people means lots of fucking.
I would be curious to know how many pregnancies result from the Olympics every time anyway though. At least some of the people won’t use protection most likely.
I’m pretty sure that gojira performance in the opening ceremony kicked off about half of them this year.
I can’t think of many other times I’ve felt that proud as a metal-head. Holy shit that entire thing rocked. (Can we start killing the king though? It’s always her.) Red-streamers as an arch of blood was, well, fuckin’ metal, not to mention the regicide.
Holy shit, what?!
I snored through all I saw but goji4a had a segment? Aarrr!
I ran down a link and added it
Seen it in progmetal, too. Good ‘show’
I’d guess not a lot.
Generally they’re a set of people used to controlling every aspect of their body and its performance, and they’re on the wrong side of a four year window if they want to go to the games again. I don’t doubt they’re getting it on, but I’d bet they’re also more proactive about birth control.
Hillbillies don’t watch the Olympics.
- No monster trucks
- No bud light
- No tailgaters
- Loud cars missing
- Very few tough-guy sports.
Like, sure, we need to move the fencing to a chariot race, and make jousting and full contact gladiatorial combat a thing. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
Then we’ll get the hicks watching. Just dont call it SCA as that’s a nerd thing.
Bring back motorcycle chariot racing as a sport!
Just broadcast the Olympics into space, as a warning to any hostile aliens out there
Task failed successfully. Among the first things broadcast to space was Hitler’s speech opening the '36 olympics
It’s an evolutionary model that I think requires complex numbers.
IDK I watch only the Eskimo-Indian Olympics, it’s far more interesting than the regular.
Fencing? Phew, how about seal skinning?
Hey! Just so you know “eskimo” is actually a slur used to refer the Inuit people (https://www.ualberta.ca/folio/2017/11/commentary--edmonton-eskimos-is-a-racial-slur-and-its-time-to-stop-using-it.html).
Thank you, I didn’t know that. I knew there was some shady history about that, but wasn’t sure enough.
The games are the real thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Eskimo_Indian_Olympics and I don’t think they’d change their name
It’s just sports lovers watching sports, don’t overthink it.
As I said to someone else- Hitler was not happy about Jesse Owens winning gold and racists are racists.
deleted by creator
Yes, they are, and unlike Germany our racists didn’t volunteer to get killed enmass on the Eastern Front. They just got old and bitter, and passed it on to their children as best they could.
I think it’s also rather important in the context of racial history to quote Jesse Owens directly on the matter of national leaders.
“Hitler didn’t snub me- it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me.”
And all the other 18 African-Americans who earned golf medals, Roosevelt did not congratulate a single one, but did offer congratulations to the white athletes.
Of course, that context might simply have been Jesse not realizing that Hitler’s “congratulatory” wave to him, a Nazi salute, after some of his victories probably meant something far different to Jesse than it meant to Hitler, but it doesn’t change the fact that we don’t need to compare modern American racists’ Olympic reactions to Hitler’s.
We have, and have had always had, plenty of our own to compare.
…is a country in the Eastern half of Asia?
…is what the expensive dining set is made out of?
…is Cockney rhyming slang for a friend?
Help me out here.
its probably related to trump in some way.
Diversity is their strength.
do you think china is full of 1.3 billion clones
Do you?
I still have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
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Isn’t she not trans, but has a naturally elevated level of testosterone?
Her opponent never claimed she was punched harder than she’d ever been punched before, so the story is a lie anyway.
If it was a complete fabrication, it wouldn’t have made headlines across so many news outlets. “Lie” is a strong word.
None of them specifically bring up being transgender; but a previous boxing association banned her for having too much testosterone. I am curious if that means the testosterone was either natural (meaning we can’t effectively test gender for the sport, and competing by sex is pointless) or if it was a simple case of doping, injecting it manually. Neither feels like a fun conclusion.
EDIT: I’ll walk myself back on this a bit. Someone else pointed out to me that this other boxing association is Russian-owned. Given their track record for unsportsmanlike exclusion, I think that lends suspicion to their “testosterone test”.
Competing by sex is pretty pointless.
It is true that the average male human has some physical advantages on the average female human.
Otoh the variability amongst people of the same sex is wider than that average difference. This effect is reinforced in professional sports because it tends to attract outliers.
And then for trans athletes, most of that difference gets smoothed by a well adjusted HRT applied fpr a few years.
We have divided a bunch of sports into “open class” and “women only” (some sports use “men only” and “women only”) because the difference between men and women is large enough that
Women would be unable to compete at a professional level otherwise
A lot of sports would be directly dangerous for women (see: contact sports without weight classes)
Nobody argues that it’s pointless to have weight classes. How is that different from having classes based on (a proxy for) levels of testosterone?
One of the best male 1500m runners today, Jacob Ingebritsen, beat the current women’s WR by almost 4 seconds when he was 15 years old. Women can be amazing athletes, and watching women compete at the top level is amazing. That’s why we need a class where they can compete, just like we need weight classes in many sports.
Oh no, trans women have totally ruined Olympic women’s boxing forever. And it used to be your favorite sport too!
Edit: By the way, I just looked up the story. At no point did she claim she was hit harder than she was ever punched before. I have no idea why you’re telling such a lie (okay, maybe I do know why).
It sounds like she got the boxing equivalent of the twisties in gymnastics if anything. She certainly doesn’t suggest it is because her opponent is trans.
Not lying. Paraphrasing at worst. “I have never felt a punch like this” https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/boxer-never-felt-punch-like-this-as-she-quits-fight-against-opponent-who-failed-gender-eligibility-test/ar-BB1r18Zm
“I have never felt a punch like this” could easily have meant that she has been able to take pain before but wasn’t able to this time. Presumably this is being translated from Italian.
And, again, she doesn’t make it about her opponent being trans- if she is trans. So why are you making it about that?
Also, maybe you should wait until after people win medals before you start screeching about trans women in sports.
This is diversity. Diversity you apparently are not a fan of since you are trying to change the subject. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is.
Here is the actual video with the super brief interview.
She didn’t really say anything although she starts with “I am nobody, I am not a referee, to judge this match…” And she didn’t salute the adversary on the ring, for what is worth.
All the “never been hit so hard” quotes seem to be paraphrased by paraphrases on Italian articles (who use quotes for sentences which are not quotes…).
In the video when she removes mouth guard she seems to say something like “very bad” but I dunno…
Edit: I have just found another interview, where she says that she stopped due to strong pain to the nose. The interview is also visible in this article. The same article reiterates that there is no substance to the claim the adversary is trans, and the current belief is simply the she has some intersex characteristics.
Who is to say that woman isn’t a huge raging transphobe and tries to turn this into a thing to attack trans with?
Sure seems that way.