- only you know
- zombie type is up to you
My plan would be “go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over”
“Two pints and a packet of crisps please love”
Hey, that’s the same plan I have for my next date.
Sounds like a slice of fried gold
Dogs can’t look up!
Probably procrastinate for 48hrs.
Probably kill myself
I mean yeah it would suck but why not at least run for the hills get a cutesy air bnb cabin and max out your credit cards on food and ammo?
I guess the better question is: why? To what end? Live out some doomer prepper fantasy? The world would be right fucked and you’d be out in the middle of nowhere by yourself which you could do right now without the zombies.
That’s a really good question. I know “zombie apocalypse” isn’t well defined, but it usually indicates a complete and total destruction of society. Even once the zombies are gone, there’s no civilization to return to. It’s not like a hurricane, where people start to rebuild.
Considering the post-post-apocalypse, I’m not sure it’s a world I would want to be part of.
I mean I get that but with solar panels and some MacBooks you could have a good amount of time playing games with friends and fishing. No bills, no job job. Heck I don’t even like fish, or any seafood, but it wouldn’t have to be bad bad. Like it’s not my fantasy per se, I would miss civilization, but it sure beats death and in some ways beats capitalism.
I mean, you could try, but eventually someone will find you, probably arrest you, and tear down your home
A cabin in the woods when there’s zombies out there? You’d never sleep! I’d take my chances trying to find a compound.
Stock up on canned food, ammo, batteries, fuel etc. Go to a cabin in the wilderness far away from everything. Check that I’ve got the essentials, realize I forgot something. Go back to town to pick it up. Go back to cabin, go back to town to print out some guides on how to preserve food, go back to cabin.
I was just thinking I would download Wikipedia, but I guess batteries degrade so printing probably isn’t a bad idea…
Don’t forget to raid your local police station/armory for riot gear and a shield!
If Lockpicking Lawyer taught me anything, is to bring a magnet when stealing guns from cops
I’m going to assume the zombies are the result of a microbial/viral infection reanimating a cadaver. Those muscles aren’t going to stay functional for long, because the body is dead, systems have stopped etc.
I’ll just get enough water and canned food to survive a week. Just lock the doors and stay inside until the zombies outside stop moving.
I would go with 2-3 month, but after first one they shouldn’t be all that dangerous. Zombies don’t work unless they are of magical kind.
1 month is a long time. Hope they don’t start doing yoga and free health care.
Buy a lot of toothpaste and toothbrushes.
And I would ask those hordes of zombie to brush their teeth before they try to bite me as I would not want to get sick and maybe contagious right before I’m eaten alive.Hole up in Costco for two weeks or so.
The rotting corpses who only hunger for flesh are going to be eaten by animals and bugs. Because they don’t have regular ways to maintain water balance for muscles they will atrophy and become immobile. They will pretty much be a non threat while I have plenty of food and shelter to last me.
I remember Neil DeGrasse Tyson explaining away zombies. Really took the immersion out of any zombie movies. Basically what you said, but more of it.
Many of the more modern and realistic takes have it caused by an organism that’s gone endemic. Meaning anything or anybody that dies changes, regardless of if they were bitten. This provides a constant source of new zombies. In addition to the fact that other survivors are usually a bigger threat than the zombies themselves.
The power grid is usually one of the first things to go during a zombie apocalypse. Only the shelf stable food will be usable after a few days. That being said, there’s plenty of space in the warehouse to hole up.
Buy a shotgun. Shoot myself. 😆
Oh, and get drunk.
Realistically the military will eventually clear everything, I just have to survive the weeks it would probably take.
Id buy a bunch of shelf stable food, a wood burner, bunch of lumber for barricading, nails, portable batteries for keeping out phones charged, a big battery for the router (even when thr power is down, internet isnt), guns. A bunch of bottled water too. A bunch of hand sanitizer too to clean out hands constantly if needed
I think thats all I’d need to sit this out. I think the hardest part would be convincing family that theres gonna be a zombie Apocalypse
We going camping Boyz!
You only have 2 days before news finds out anyway. You can convince them somehow.
I will join the army at last. My zombies are regular semi-slow ones, not magical.
Well… My health conditions mean that I am unlikely to survive long term after apocalypse. Even if no zombies get me. The first week would be fine, the first month maybe, but I wouldnt be alive to see the second year. I could try to do a camping trip to see if the “apocalypse” passes over quickly. If not, then there is no point trying to plan for long term survival.
I don’t presume to know your conditions but assuming you need some medicine, maybe you could buy some chemicals and make it yourself? But no sounds like a rough spot, wishing you well
Living on an upper floor comes in handy for once, as it’s actually fairly easy to barricade the front door. Alert some key close friends and family members who will actually believe me. Then stock up on canned goods, fill every possible thing I can with water, and grab some camping solar kits for power once the grid goes down.
After that? Hunker down. Avoid being clearly seen in windows or heard to prevent attracting the undead. I reckon I need to last about 6-9 weeks.
See, the thing is, zombies are going to die out. The average human can go 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. Let’s assume zombies have a magical lack of need of hydration, so they last 3 weeks. Double that for the time they’ll have ample food. Assume another 3 weeks that they’ll cannibalize each other or something.
At that point, I can begin to venture outside. Small numbers of capable zombies may still exist, but most will be dead or starving. Other survivors are my greatest worry.
I didn’t think zombies needed food or water or that they would “die”. Isn’t the point that they are already dead?
Depends on the zombie lore we are going with. Traditionally, yes but this could a rabies variation so they are hydrophobic. You don’t want the Office Uprising variant where they are still somewhat in control.
other survivors
Have you seen/read the walking dead? Other survivors the concern.
I haven’t, but there’s ample stories which present more or less the same point.
Dude your mom’s my biggest concern
Other survivors are my greatest worry.
You should have kept reading 😆
Oops. I had a typo. I meant other survivors are the only concern. Even if the zombies aren’t atrophied and withering, other people are the main concern.
That’s exactly what they’re saying in their comment. Other survivors are their greatest worry.
I was agreeing.
Have two days of just absolute living it the absolute fuck up.
And buy a bottle of nitrogen and a non-rebreather mask.
- I dont tell anyone
- I buy S&P 500 mutual funds
- I choose zombie type: paralyzed
Time to go over my credit card limit buying shit for my home, mainly food and water. I wonder how long would electricity keep running.
At least I can pick zombie type, so only slow walkers like in the original Resident Evi or in Project Zomboid.