I’m feeling so uneasy with everything I’ve been seeing. I keep thinking about what we will be this time next year, and if shit hits the fan, what is your plan? I’m queer and was politically active in 2020, so I would potentially be considered a political enemy.
The only blueprint I can think of is what you do in an active shooter situation; Flee, Hide, Fight.
I know there’s that romantic notion of “don’t be a coward, get out and protest”, but I remember the brutality of the 2020 protests firsthand, and even then I thought “thank god I’m going toe to toe with the CPD and not the CCP”. Next time is going to be different. The president now has authority to send drone strikes. Protests and riots don’t stand a chance agains missiles and live rounds.
Flee- I have an Uncle in Montreal who my family could potentially use as a way to at least temporarily escape the chaos. The hope I’d have is that Canada and other countries would accept American refugees, however that’s not a guarantee.
Hide- If borders are closed, lay low and move away from major cities if possible. If civil war breaks out, try to get away from the violence even if you think your side will win. Todays losers may be tomorrows victors.
Fight- If cellular data/ social media algorithms can keep track of you, and surveillance can make sure there’s no movement, this would be the last resort of desperation. I guess if possible try to either find a group for safety in numbers, or conversely go guerrilla as groups of resistance would make easy targets.
Sorry my mind is running and I’m getting scared.
you guys have cried about your guns for two hundred years in case of this exact situation
i think the gun people might be voting for trump
Never underestimate dem/liberal gun ownership. We are just quiet about it and don’t make it our entire personality.
The issue is military and police tend to side with fascists, and fascists know this so it’s a 3 way fight
sure, but they’re in the minority, and i wouldn’t bet on even the majority to win against the national guard and their tanks
Tanks need support personnel.
Ask the Russians how well it goes when the tanks fight alone.
how many PG-7VLs do you have at hand? or maybe do you have a 2A36 howitzer stashed in garage? believe or not, you can’t fight tanks with good vibes only
Thank you for explaining to this former 11-H / 11-M the difficulties in fighting tanks. :D
You’re not wrong but infantry against tanks that have no infantry support will win every time. Tanks are fuckin blind when buttoned up and will get absolutely wrecked by close in infantry, even without anti-armor weapons. It’s almost trivial to immobilize them from up close.
Okay? What’s your point? That the national guard will rise up against the system?
The national guard are famously conservative. Which side do you think they’ll pick when push comes to shove?
deleted by creator
in the real military yeah
but usually the national guard are made up of people who wanted a “military” career without the risk
fortunate sons and all that
My point is you don’t hit the tanks, you hit the support infrastructure. Maintenance, fuel depots, Supply lines. Tanks (or planes, or whatever) don’t run in a vacuum. You create a vacuum and stuff doesn’t go. See Ukraine.
Wait so we’re getting Jan 6 Part 2 if Trump wins?
I am still sure that the right has more. Like you might have 1 or 2. A lot of those nutjobs have 1 or 2 hundred.
What, are they going to aim 200 guns at once?
Knowing some of the redneck mother fuckers I’ve met:
They’ll figure out how to do it, yes
“I’ve gon’ an’ dun it, y’all! I dun made a weapon to surpass Metal Gear, I tell you hwhat.”
Arm their friends? Make boobie traps?
Actually, there’s this one Demolition Ranch video… lol
Making boobie traps is illegal they can’t do that /s
Well they’ve only got 2 arms at the most (maybe 3 in Alabama) so they can only hold 2 guns at once. Kinda hard to hold an arsenal dual wielded
Your absolutely right. But how many guns can you shoot at once?
I mean, those weren’t just fireworks making noise in America’s major liberal cities last night. The blue cities are drowning in guns. That why those cities want regulations to dial shit down.
Biden just said he’s going to roll over and kiss the ring. “Liberal” gun ownership, lol.
While they have a large number of guns, they can still only operate one at a time.
Not me.
They’re still crying about Biden coming for their guns (I’m American), happily ignoring “take their guns first due process second” Trump
You make it sound like these people have a bone in their bodies to take the fight to their government… all a bunch of hot air. Even the ex military ain’t got it in them. Not many people are willing to sacrifice their lives for their ideals.
Not America’s left. America’s left has wanted gun control.
That said, it’s not like the left leaning cities are hurting for guns. There is a reason the left wants gun control.
And the strong push against gun control isn’t a 200 hundred year old thing. It’s a 40-50 year old thing. The NRA used to be about responsible gun ownership, not saving up for the fallout wasteland.
America’s liberals have wanted gun control. go far enough left and you get your guns back.
Maybe I’m more of a moderate but I just want some gun control, like universal background checks and mandatory training.
Not really on board with other things though, for example: Banning certain models of guns is just stupid and ineffective: Ban one and there are probably at least half a dozen other functionally identical firearms they can be replaced with. It’s meaningless performative legislature.
Small arms like pistols, shotguns, rifles are great against a random meth head that breaks in to your home. But against a coordinated response by the government!? They have machine guns and drones and troops and bombs. And have been known to use them on civilians.
I sure haven’t. That’s a deluded conservative thing… they say they need guns to defend from an overbearing government, then they’re the idiots who vote for freedom-infringing authoritarians. It also hasn’t made sense in decades at best, given that they’d be gravy seals fighting army or police with their handguns while the government has helicopters, grenades, night vision, comm systems (like, they think they’d have cell service in a civil war?) and so on. Maybe some organized group could pull off an Iraq or Afghanistan style resistance, but it seems unlikely.
I’ve dabbled in ham radio a bit, comms is something that at least some of the right are thinking about with these kinds of things, there’s more than a handful of right wing doomsday pepper lunatics in the ham radio circle, if you ever decide to listen in on CB radio chatter, there’s a good chance you’re gonna hear some lunatic ranting about conspiracy bullshit, I’m pretty sure I saw some pictures of guys at 1/6 with some baofengs (cheap Chinese ham radios, pretty much every ham has one or two kicking around)
I remember when I first started looking into ham radio, I was googling some stuff, clicking into a whole bunch of different results not paying too much attention to where I was, and I found one forum thread that was actually pretty informative until halfway down the thread someone said something really unhinged about race wars or something, and no one called him out about it and some even agreed with him, so I took a look at what site I was on and it was the stormfront forums. Nope I out of there really quick.
Also not the only experience I had like that, few of my hobbies and interests have significant overlap with the right wing lunatics fringe since I’m into some outdoors camping and survivalist type stuff, the algorithms try really hard to suck me into crazytown sometimes.
Honestly. I wish we had more leftest prepped stuff. The darknet hacker scene (privacy is a mixed bag) is decent IMHO, but as soon as you want to prepare for disasters (canning, homesteading, HAM radio, reloading, guns, etc) ALOT of the content and social media is a mix of ethno or Christian nationalism bunk.
We, the left, really should be interested in this stuff. This is how you provide mutual aid in disasters. How you help the marginalized avoid oppression and how you raise the cost of faciest take over.
Yeah that would involve actual work so no
“On Tyranny” has some great guidance on this, as well as some guidance on how to do what you can to help put the brakes on it happening.
TL;DR there’s quite a lot more, but stay off the internet, get used to making small talk, making eye contact. Know who’s in your community physically and who has your back. Renew your passport, make friends in other countries if you can. Make friends. Stay off the internet.
Curious: Why “stay off the internet” ? It’s mentioned twice, so I’m assuming for a good reason.
Is that a mental health thing or a keep from being profiled/targeted thing?
It is soo easy to forget about just how much identifying metadata you leave on the internet just by reading stuff.
You know the cookie banners you see? Those that claim to let you opt out from being tracked by advertisers?
Yeah, those are just the overt tracking mechanism, tracking pixels are far far more insidious.
Lets backtrack a bit, back when Facebook started getting big, companies started embedded Like buttons on their webpages, cool right? You could just click the Like button and it would help you post a link to your Facebook feed to the page you were visiting.
Seems fine, right? What’s the issue?
It would be fine if the image of the Like button was stored on the local web server hosting the rest of the site.
But it isn’t.
It is stored on Facebook’s servers, it is stored in a way that every single Like button has their own ID, so every time you load up your favourite website about abandoned radiation experiment sites it makes your browser send a request to Facebook’s servers as well and depending on how the request is sent they can at minimum log that your IP address loaded the Like button with the ID number X, the ID number X is tied to the specific webpage you visited.
Then you go and do some research on impotense and how to cure it, the pages you read all have Like buttons as above, but with their own ID numbers, Facebook now knows at a minimum that you are a man who is interested in science, technology, society and modern history, you may also suffer from impotense.
Well, you keep browsing the web and read local news, well the Like button is also there, and with the ID number Facebook can add an area of interest to your profile.
It keeps going like this, but with one huge important change, people are starting getting warey of the Like buttons and Facebook in general, so they simply remove the button, while introducing the tracking pixel, a 1px*1px transparent picture, it works like how the Like button loads, and keeps generating data for Facebook.
Facebook is not alone in this, I just used them as an example.
You can read more here:
This is also not even getting into browser fingerprinting.
Oh, yeah. I’m aware of all that. Good info, though.
I meant for the purposes of what moz was saying from that “On Tyranny” TL;DR guidance. Like, should I just assume that metadata is going to be immediately used against me to determine if i’m an “undesirable” ?
May have answered my own question there lol
Well, yes. There’s no take backsies, but showing you’ve dropped off the internet, as sus as it is, also shows you’re done with all this, and makes it harder to prove your current status as “undesireableness” by lack of evidence. The longer you wait to disappear, the more relevant the evidence that can be used against you.
I have not read that book, but seeing as the right is on the rise also here in Europe, it might be worth checking it out.
Your IP addresses, home, cellphone, etc… They all lead back to your actual home address where you can be identified.
Have a pint at the Winchester and wait for it all to blow over
Canada will not accept US citizens as refugees unless things really goes to hell, we’re not even accepting refugees who come from other countries via the USA as they’re supposed to ask for refugee status in the first of the two country they step in. So yeah, don’t get your hopes up, Canada isn’t a consolation prize for you guys, fix your own shit.
That doesn’t stop you from getting a work visa and moving there.
Temporarily and only if you have qualifications for jobs where we need people
Temporarily can also become permanent. And many folks do have skills worth amassing.
Sure, doesn’t change the fact that we don’t don’t open our door to anyone and everyone and if you don’t have skills we need you don’t get a visa in the first place , we don’t need someone to move here from a first world country with a work visa just to end up not having a job and costing the system money.
Yep, same as most countries. No one is assuming we can just waltz right in.
It’s US’ decision on whether to grant those or not, and they grant them cause it benefits the US.
Ever watched/read the Handmaid’s Tale? This scenario basically happens, and Canada has to cater to any refugees they can smuggle out.
Unfortunately/fortunately works of fiction aren’t binding on geopolitics. (Depending on the fiction)
Hi, Canadian here. The Handmaid’s Tale was seriously over optimistic about what kind of country we are.
Fair enough.
How’s the housing market going bud?
What does that have to do with the subject? Even more reason why we wouldn’t take in US citizens for no reason
Just returning fire
Not as if it was any better on your side of the border, the difference being that in some States you don’t have any safety nets to help!
Suddenly all the people with anti migration sediment might realize how it’s like when the shoe is on the other foot.
We are pretty much screwed any way you slice it. Make sure you’ve got a trusted network of people, make sure you’ve got your passport renewed. Make sure you’ve got some coins stashed away.
But also, get into local government. Go to a city meeting. It sounds dumb but if you’re not involved then you’re not informed and have no power. A lot of cities have the power of ordinances that can make life less hellish.
Look up climate feedback loops cause we’re already over the edge on that crap. Ain’t nothing to be done except start living underground.
Look up climate feedback loops cause we’re already over the edge on that crap. Ain’t nothing to be done except start living underground.
We can still lessen the effect. Every .1 degree less average global temperature rise helps.
Yeah that .1 degree might stave off the extinction of several animal and insect species for a bit
Y he permafrost is melting in the tundra of Canada and Siberia, once we hit those methane pockets…it’s bad y’all and individuals can’t do nothing. It’s basically a greenhouse gas time bomb
A better question would be what are you going to do to make sure the orange Mussolini doesn’t win?
Make sure you, your friends, and your family are Registered to vote.
Make sure everyone you know gets to the polls on our before election day.
Become a poll worker.
We need to make sure we vote in numbers too big to steal. In 2000 the election was handed to Bush by the Supreme Court because of one state. Looking at the last term, the court would absolutely find a way to shift the election to the con in chief if it was just one swing state with irregularities.
Talk to people about project 2025 and what it will mean. This is how the guardrails from 2017 are removed. This is how we start a Christian theocracy. If we vote blue all the way down, the Dems may be able to put stronger rails in place. If it’s not Project 2025 it will be Project 2029. These conservative think tanks have been doing this since Reagan, but this is by far the scariest.
Talk to friends and family about the Biden administration wins. It’s not just Biden you’re voting for, it is a continuation of his administration.
- CHIPS and science act bringing an entire industry back home. This will make us competitive with China and boat domestic manufacturing.
- Inflation reduction act an investment in renewable and traditional energy.
- Biden has actually increased fossil fuel production which has kept energy prices low and curbed the post pandemic inflation. Record oil production SPR management
- What Has Biden Accomplished? Look at These 10 Metrics, Not the Polls
Bottom line, this is likely the most important election of many of our lives. All of us must participate.
Be really mad amd then do nothing
your honesty is refreshing, if not a bit depressing
As a non American living outside of the US; I’m much more concerned about a second Trump term.
The first one was mostly just annoying, funny and embarrassing for you guys.
This time he’ll be taking over with war in Europe and the whole Israel/Gaza thing. There is quite a lot of damage he can do…
As someone who might be targeted and killed as this drags on, I’m not really worrying about it much. Control whatever you can, be aware obviously, but what more could you possibly do? Monday’s ruling is already in the past - I mean to say that we’ve already made our choices, long ago (some people have seen this coming for nearly a decade now), and all that is left is to live (or whatever) with them. It “helps” that climate change awaits to kill us all regardless of who wins the next election. To be clear, no I do not say that lightly.
Hypothetical illustration: let’s say that you are a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Do you jump forward? Backwards? Remain still? Duck? Jump straight up vertically into the air as high as you can? Once in this position, no matter what you do there are risks, and your choices are limited, with the outcome of your decisions mostly not up to you. Side-note: you could maybe not have jumped out straight in front of a speeding car… but that choice is behind you now, and you can only deal with what is, not what you wish had been.
So don’t panic unduly - that isn’t helpful - just focus on doing the next correct thing, and the rest… well, isn’t up to you.
Not trying to rain on your parade (pun) but you may have been getting your climate change info only from the headlines of for-profit publications which rely on advertising for income. No reputable scientific consensus report indicates we’re all going to die or anything close.
Disasters will cause more damage and food will be more expensive. That’s the effects which Americans will experience for as far as the predictions can go.
I’ll link to IPCC in a sec.
No reputable scientific consensus report indicates we’re all going to die or anything close.
Depends who you are. Middle-class american living not too close to a coast? Yea you’re probably fine, you’ll get hotter summers and colder winters but you’ll survive.
Poor and living nearby to coast or such that can get more easily affected by climate change? You could be pretty fucked by mother nature by chance.
Okay I brought that on myself there by adding
To be clear, no I do not say that lightly.
First, we are blowing waaay past all earlier expectations, e.g. those made a decade ago. Second, as the other commenter said, we aren’t all going to make it (though you are correct, neither are we “all” going to die - I was being hyperbolic, but then later came and added the aforementioned sentence that did not mesh well into my comment). Third, the randomness of it all is mind-boggling, e.g. remember that one day that the temperature went up by a full 70 degrees F? Imagine it being 100 degrees already, as so many places already (almost) are in the USA, and then such a spike occurs making it 170 for that day - yeah, some people are going to survive it, but what about the plants, the animals, i.e. the crops, the wildlife, the entire ecosystem that exists outside of a cushy building that has A/C?
Anyway, thank you for the correction. I should have said that we aren’t all going to make it.
Wait, scratch that - “many” rather than “all”!:-P
All of that aside, it does seem a pretty huge deal, more so than these political matters even.
Nice try, DHS. I’m just a silly wittle unarmed kitty :3
(You better fucking read this into evidence during my military tribunal)
how should
wethey prounce the smiley?Colon 3
Get up, send my kids to school and go to work.
“What did you learn at school?”
“That life begins at contemplation”
Stay and vote. The way I see it, Canada is fucked if PP wins anyways, and will be hurt by Trump regardless. Europe is fucked if the alt right wins in France and hobbles Germany in the next couple elections. Nigel Farage is going to parasitically eat the conservatives from the inside out in the UK. Trump will pull put of NATO, which means war on Europe’s doorstep and probably all of south east Asia if China decides they don’t mind war.
Running isn’t going to work. Voting and protesting and political action is what will keep us all at peace and ever vigilant against populism and later, fascism. All hope isn’t lost. We still can undo the damage and categorically reject hate and corruption that is threatening democracies worldwide (and already dooming authoritarian countries with massive population gaps and economic damage)
You guys make this sound like some kind of doomsday movie.
I’m not downplaying how bad things are, but if you really have the several thousand dollars you’d need to actually uproot your entire life just sitting around, good for you. Most people don’t have that kind of free money.
And good luck moving if you have pets, or have family members you care for. Have you guys even been to your “target” countries? Do you have plans for how you’ll make income? How does healthcare work in your target country?
If you have all that figured out, and have nothing to leave behind, then good for you, I really do hope you end up better off. But this panicked response of “What are you waiting for, run!!!” is way more entitled than people seem to think.
What you forgot to mention is that the “target” country has to want you. Even progressive Americans seem to have the belief (american exceptionalism) that they can just “move” to another country if they wake up in November to find the wrong guy won. In reality, you have to apply to immigrate to a country. Your application is gone through with a fine tooth comb. It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks. You may be granted a visa if you have something the country wants or needs, like a higher qualification or a job offer. But chicken and egg, it will be near impossible to get a job offer without a visa. And if you have a high BMI, medical issues, or an arrest record, you may as well forget about it. Many countries require that you have a 4 figure wad of free cash to get yourself started. If your target country has already met its immigration quota for the year then forget about it. If your target country has thousands of applicants (which most “good” countries do at any time), then your application has to rise above the others e.g., you have a job offer and a phd. Assuming you get through all this, it will take months to well over a year to get through the process. Want to bring your pets? Factor in 5-10k USD each for shipping, veterinary, and quarantine fees.
The bottom line is… stop yammering on about moving to another country if the orange shitstain wins. If you haven’t started the process yet of your own volition then you’ve likely not the tenacity to work that Sisyphean task.
Instead, vote.
It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks.
Um, no. I’ve done visa and citizenship paperwork, it’s not easy, and you’re right that you need a compelling case for why you should be accepted. But I’ve never heard of requiring that extensive of medical checks for visa applications, especially not for from countries that have developed medical systems. Though some countries do require medical records. You’re right often a background check is required, but in my case at least, an apostilled affidavit where I just promised I was a good boy was accepted.
Perhaps the country you applied to is an outlier. Or maybe as is often the case, you applied a long time ago when things were simpler.
It was only a bit over 2 years ago. And no not particularly and outlier for US citizens at least. My sister also applied to another country and didn’t have big problems.
It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks.
Um, no. I’ve done visa and citizenship paperwork, it’s not easy, and you’re right that you need a compelling case for why you should be accepted. But I’ve never heard of requiring that extensive of medical checks for visa applications, especially not for from countries that have developed medical systems. Though some countries do require medical records. You’re right often a background check is required, but in my case at least, a notorized affidavit where I just promised I was a good boy was accepted.
Western Europe is pretty decent if you can move and get a job here.
Europe, who is already seeing far right insurgencies due to a few immigrants? Yeah, good idea. And if Trump wins you can basically say goodbye to any sort of future that isn’t a hellscape. We’re already far behind our dues on climate change and this will be the final nail in the coffin.
So not everywhere in Europe is right wing (but there are similar trends in certain countries like the US). If the US falls, Europe will be the last stronghold for democracy (which might also fail in a few years).
Yup. That is the problem.
Fascism is on the rise around the world. And the countries that have stood firm in the face of it? They are juicy targets for strongman leaders needing an easy win.
At the risk of showing my indoctrinated “american excellence” ass… the US is really a big factor in global security. Because (unless you are on our side) we have a ridiculously large and over funded military and love proxy wars.
Strongman leaders? Yeah, vote for Eddie Hall, Tom Stoltman, Brian Shaw, Zydrunas Savickas, Hafthor Bjornsson, Mitchell Hooper, etc.
The only solace to be had is that the pendulum eventually swings back. But there’s going to be a lot of fuckin misery before that happens.
By that time we’ll see massive streams of climate refugees, water shortages, crop failures, etc.
I didn’t say it was a LOT of solace. 😁
But yeah I lean more towards “we are well and truly fucked” every year.
Europe, who is already seeing far right insurgencies due to a few immigrants?
A few immigrants ? Remember that Europe got a whole bunch of refugees from Ukraine to look after.
And the USA is huge compared to Europe, especially to some small countries in Europe like Belgium, Holland.
The problem of the rise of far-right is more complex.As a German I’m well aware about the amount of people we took in. Still nothing to get riled up over.
Isn’t this a kind of positive feedback circle though? Right-wing wins, left-wing people move and leave the country, leaving more and more right-wing people left. Then obviously right wing wins again next election, more left-wing people leave and so on and so on.
This can also happen with just people moving from right-wing states to left-wing states. I suspect this is a contributing factor to the increasing split in american politics as people tend to stay where their politics align and leave where it doesn’t.
This doesn’t seem sustainable? Unless the states split into more independent nations that don’t have to align on federal politics.
I’d like to second that. When it comes to “far-right boiling point” several countries in Europe look like a breeze compared to Project 2025 minded US. Far right is on the rise in Western-Europe but things are not so bad yet. Not sure about the specific gay friendliness per country but countries like Germany (except the East and part of the South), Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, France could be interesting to read more about. Portugal actually had its borders wide open for some time for immigrants to work and live there but they now have some (but not so bad?) restrictions for non-EU citizens.
France is 2 days away from an election which will see the Far Right grab the most seats ever in Parliament, the only question (hope really) is “will they get absolute majority or not”.
Holland fell not so long ago.
Belgium kinda holds through “sacred union” that vows to never sign an alliance with it, but at cities level it’s too late.
And Hungary is deep into it with Orban since a while now. Hungary which turn it is to lead the European Parliament (a rotating position). First political act? Go shake hands with Putin.
It’s gonna get complicated over here.
To me there is a significant difference between a possible US dictatorship a la Project 2025 and the Western Europe where the far right is in some governments but certainly not close to a dictatorship (Things are different in the East of Europe, for example in Hungary). And there’s more differences, compare worker unions in the US versus Europe. And compare gun ownership in the US versus Europe. Same for death penalty. I consider the EU future a breeze compared to the US future.
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