Reddit has a lot of problems. Cat worship is not one of them.
I always liked cat reddit.
I think they’re getting at the bot problem. They steal and repost cat pics to any and all cat subs regardless of if it’s relevant to the sub.
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Weirdos ain’t they?
all these other cats should respect their elders
One of the main things I miss about the place is the ridiculously specific cat subs.
Places like r/torties, r/calicokittys, r/catbellies, r/catsbeingcats, r/roastmycat, r/petthedamncat, r/ooobigstretch and r/blep (last two of which were species agnostic, though) all had The Fabulous Staredycat Sisters in guest star roles from time to time 😄
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Coaxedintoasnafu energy
It’s hard to get pictures of “my” cat since he’s just a stray that has claimed me and only comes around at night.
Is he quite a big cat, sort of a burnt orange colour, white underbelly with a very, very bushy tail?
Honestly read that as “so legal” and I was confused as to which sub that could’ve been. There are just so many.