Another season of Firefly
EDIT: Or however many seasons it takes to wrap up the story properly. Also, I’ll pay the original actors however much it takes to join the project. And I’ll pay makeup artists and VFX artists however much it takes to make it appear like they haven’t aged.
Maybe Sarah Connor Chronicles as well. That show ended on a cliffhangwr without resolution.
Yes. Do a “Southpark” Eric Cartman. Make 5 seasons of Firefly and let know one see it.
Rumors will fly. Anticipation will build.
Lets a small numer of people see parts. Allow the rich to bribe me for access. Pay for other projects with the money. Charge enough that people only dpeak glowingly about it.
Release the whole thing for free.
Glad to see some love for Sarah Connor Chronicles. Very underrated.
The showrunners said the next season was going to be some It’s a Wonderful Life type story, where John sees how the future could turn out without him.
I’d fund the final three season of The Expanse.
And pay for the Elite Dangerous developers to better support simulators.
I’d hate Bezos a little bit less if he greenlit a season or two of the expanse to round off the last 3 books :o
His funding the middle three definitely made me hate him just a little bit less.
At this point I’d be willing to accept a movie of each of the last three books.
Maybe they’re going to wait another 20 years to make sure the actors are appropriately aged for the time skip. Think of the savings on makeup alone
Give the original disco elysium team a blank check to do anything they want.
Doesn’t need to be a game, books, art, whatever. That team was lightning in a bottle.
The Expanse
Just 3 more seasons to go
The last few books were amazing.
And the conclusion, the ending… chefs kiss. I loved it.
Would love to see them finish it and stay as close to the books as possible. I think they already deviated quite a bit though.
I’m on Abbadons Gate at the moment, it’s here that things really start changing now that Bull becomes a character. Otherwise I feel like it was only Soren that was very different. Though Soren and Drummer are some of my fave characters in the series.
Personally I’d love to recreate The Walking Dead but I’d want it made much more realistic, slow paced and with less pointless action scenes. I’d want the zombies being the only unrealistic thing on the entire show. It would focus much more on the survival aspect of the zombie apocalypse. It would show things like loot-runs and base building in much greater detail. Instead of the flashy highlights it would be more about the mundane life in the apocalypse. There would be entire episodes where “nothing” happens.
I imagine it would be an extremely boring show for the vast majority of people, but the tiny niche audience of zombie fanatics like myself would absolutely love it. I’d let other people watch it for free (because why not) but it would be made entirely according to my personal preferences with no regard for how it would be received by others.
I would buy the Warcraft IP from Blizzard, just Warcraft.
I would lobby to bring back as many of the original developers and creative designers as possible into the newly formed Warcraft Company, including Chris Metzen and Russell Brower. (Though, some of those people would be made to sign formal apologies for doing nothing about the dudebro culture that was systemic inside Blizzard long before they got bought out.)
The goal would be to basically remaster the entire RTS franchise using modern hardware and software while keeping as close as possible to the original spirit of the games. Then continue the RTS franchise using the story from the MMO.
The MMO would be recreated from scratch using modern understanding and a modular, highly-adaptable architecture to prevent the duct tape and baling wire situation the current WoW has. The game itself would now feature story content going all the way back to the first Warcraft game. Each “chapter” of Warcraft lore would be a self contained experience that players could stay in forever or progress to the next arc in the overarching tale. There would be simple, single baseline cost for subscribing that included everything so you can decide for yourself which parts to play.
Measures would be taken to make the MMO just as fun and satisfying for casual players as it is for professional gamers. No more pay to jump ahead or even pay to get things that can’t be gotten by regular players. Using real money in-game would probably be completely eliminated. And the Warcraft Company would take an active role in preventing gaming addition and council existing players who needed help.
Outside of the games, other merchandise like art books and novels would reflect and complement the lore of the series to give people even more stuff to learn about and enjoy.
Movies and TV in particular would be a strong focus. A whole new movie series based on the parent games would be made with the same care as the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
(For the record, I like the existing Warcraft movie. But today, it could be done a lot better.)
And TV series would be made to tell more detailed stories about lesser-known events or to follow unique characters through well known events and see their unique takes.
All multimedia content would be free to stream for active subscribers to the online game.
Apps would be made to help players manage their games and access associated multimedia. There would also be an app to help gamers manage their time playing so they don’t overdo it but are still able to participate in limited events they care about.
Then… a theme park!
(I honestly think that if someone went forward with this proposal with reckless abandon that it actually would turn a profit.)
I’m in. Came here to post almost exactly this. I was more focused on the fact that the movie was great, but needs a multi season TV show, produced with the care and love the original LOTR movies got. I find it interesting that we had the same metaphor.
Your idea for the remastered RTS interconnecting with the MMO is also pretty good. I’d play the heck out of both games.
MummVimes: A Discworld Story. As a series planned with a fixed amount of seasons and as close to the books as possible.A „The forever war“ movie would also be very interesting. Or a „Hyperion“ series.
Found the German!
p.s. He is called Vimes outside of Germany. They, uh, “we” renamed him for German reasons.
Damm, you’re right. I read most of them in german. 🤷♂️
When you do the Discworld series. Please no funny faces or silly voices. I think Going Postal was the only somewhat faithful adaptation.
I actually hated that one because it really didn’t mesh with my mental image.
Hogfather on the other hand, was awesome
Wheel of time movies or TV show THE RIGHT FUCKING WAY
WoT done like The LotR movies would be EPIC.
Also impossible, it’d take 30 years to film that many movies.
An X-Wing and TIE Fighter remake. Yeah, there’s the TFTC, but the X-Wing Alliance engine is pretty dated as well. And who knows how far along XWVM is. Why do none of these projects ever get developed as open source?
Did you play Squadrons? Wish it had been supported longer, but a great successor. Jade Raymond supposedly spearheaded it for love of the old games.
Yeah, I liked it. But I hate the slick story and the missions are a bit too cinematic for my taste. In TIE Fighter it felt more like a routine job that coincidentally got more exciting with every mission.
Double movie trilogy of Star Craft and Brood War filmed back-to-back so there’s one every year for 6 years.
Stargate SG-1.
Not Atlantis, with their star trek uniforms. Not Universe with their angst and jeans.
Hard, military professionals jaunting through wormholes into alien words they don’t comprehend and won’t really try to, fucking up local politics and delicate galactic power balances alike in their incessant hunt for really big fucking guns, and Baal clones.
I’d want to do a series of shows based on the chapters from World War Z
Yeah, I never really got the hate the movie got until I read the book, just seemed like a generic but passable zombie action movie.
Why even buy the rights to the novel if you’re only going to use the title?
buy Electronic Arts
fire everyone exec and up
go private
seek to rehire all of criterion (the real one that made burnout, not the shell today) and black box circa 2000-2008ish
NFS Underground 3
become worlds richest person
seek to rehire all of Bizzare Creations (the makers of Project Gotham Racing, and Blur)
reboot development of Blur 2
become an internet hero for reviving two of the most anticipated racing games in decades
try to buy Ivory Tower, ubisoft doesn’t let me, buy ubisoft, end it
become internet hero for killing a bastard of a studio
relaunch Test Drive Unlimited, as an actually good game and not the sack of shit it is currently
no mtx, no paid dlc, no various editions or pre-order shit, full game, $50 max
internet hero
be assassinated by cooperation between MS, Sony and Nintendo
as a ghost: so about Half Life 3…
post-mortem internet hero
Modern visuals, Muppets, a team of good writers and the core cast returning could be really good. Black and Browder wouldn’t be too old yet to make the characters work.
That chaotic universe could provide so many posibilities to explore if done right.
Hoky crap, Inever thought of this but a remake of Farscape would be great.
I’d go for a continuation instead of remake. And I just checked, just last year there have been discussions with Jim Henson Company and Rockne O’Bannon (Farscape’s co-creator) about continuing the story. Nothing solid, but there is hope…
If I could say “Here’s 84 billion dollars, we’re fuckin’ doing this…”
We’re doing a Battletech cinematic universe, and it’s gonna be awesome. We’ll start with a trilogy of 100 minute movies based on each of the books in the Grey Death Saga and see what we do from there.
And we’re gonna do it as practically as possible. You know how for Empire Strikes Back they built a life size Millennium Falcon? We’re doing that at least for mechs that aren’t going to move much, for static shots with the actors.