And has this guy never seen a chorse before?
(Okay, I got nothing after that one. Based on my limited knowledge of French, this is appears to be a terrible translation issue- tree = arbre, horse = cheval, house = maison.)
Is it just me or are the images and text AI generated?
I think it’s AI upscaling
Yeah. What kind of GenAI would be so shitty to render something with so many artifacts, yet coherent enough to render 24 words that perfectly map to their direct French translation? But somehow the pictures are half jumbled to the point that the picture of a tail looks like a circle? Which is the opposite way GenAI normally jumbles things, text is always the first to become undecipherable.
The only way for this to be GenAI would be with close supervision, it’s not impossible but at that point it would have been much less effort for a much better result to edit English text onto an actual French children’s book.
Anyway who gives a shit but the superior attitude of the people here who think they are so clever pisses me off lol
My initial thought was that each picture/text was AI and then put together. But from reading the comments now, looks like a real picture book went through an AI somehow.
It’s Google Translate, from French I think.
Tree= Arb Horse = Cheval Cow = vache
I can’t see the while thing while I comment, but I know a Translate image when I see it.
People are discussing the word “horse” as if it’s present in the image, but it’s just some garbled shapes, not even letters, except for “h” and two "o"s. WTF?
I think that it’s just a screenshot of on-screen translation (like Google Lens or whatever, you can def see the artefacts) of this:
(Caption is, naturally, compete bullshit)
They used white out and then wrote the translated words in. It’s obvious when you zoom in.
The pictures have the same kind of artifacts though. This is AI upscaled at the very least.
Thats how translators & augmented reality works.
Picture translators add text boxes in another language on top of recognized text. They don’t contain such artifacts and can be rendered at any resolution. These artifacts will only appear if output from a picture translator is processed further.
Oh, Im dumb, you mean these white boxes:
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OP, this is absolutely a Google Translate image of a French ABC book into English.
Arbre is tree
Cheval is horse
Etoille is star
Vache is cow
Gateau is cake
Roue is wheel
Edit: le typo
Yup, found the original:
That helicopter needs work.
Naw that’s one of them French helicopters that only flies backwards.
Sorry France lol
Ironically, the n°1 helicopter manufacturer in the world is a French company.
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Maybe it’s some sort of vertibird.
Maybe they were gonna use that pic for the A (avion) and then forgot to update it when it got bumped in place of the tree.
Helicoptere helicoptere
Coffre à argent coffre à argent
Sorry, my brain wrote it phonetically in gringospeak.
I thought it was a Charlie horse and apple tree.
Eric the star, Pete the fish…yep, that’s it.
Ah you’re right, Google translate does that weird text thing.
Either the whole image is AI gen or someone used AI gen to make a childrens book.
I think its the former and the whole post is just bullshit.
If it’s AI generated, it’s a hell of a coincidence that the letters all match the French words for those things.
All the words are 100% generated unless someone went to the trouble of making a font that looks exactly like AI generated text. The pants under the book are also just nonsense blobs.
unless someone went to the trouble of making a font that looks exactly like AI generated text.
Can I just say that’s a hilariously evil idea to fuck with people and if I knew more about font formats I’d be tempted to give it a go.
Again, that is one hell of a coincidence.
I actually think you are both right… But it’s likely some one is using an AI translator that is trying to reconstruct the original picture with the translated words substituted in the original words place.
no, it’s gotta be all ai. look at the image for helicopter.
Yeah it probably recreated the whole image
It’s probably in-place translation using AI for a French book
I think we have the solution here.
I guess that app also fucks with everything else in the image tho, not just text.
Could very well be ML repainting, “draw this image with English text”
It’s AI. Look at the word that’s supposed to be “Horse”.
My guess is that the pic is some instant translation app that tries to mimic the original font. The Google translate app has this feature where it replaced text with a translation in real time through the camera.
The book is 1000% AI generated. The text and images are blurry mid journey nonsense. I mean, “helicopter” is a fucked up looking plane ffs.
However, it would be a massive coincidence that all the words have a French translation that fits the letter. The OP could’ve done that intentionally, but that seems like a lot more effort for an AI generated post
Given the perfect grid pattern and a certain kind of coherence this kind of ML doesn’t usually preserve it’s much more likely somebody cut and paste the individual images into an ML based image generator to repaint them with English text
Stupid? Yes. They could have just taken the text alone into an LLM, or better yet regular translation program. But since when was the kind of people who blindly rely on ML smart?
The whole screenshot is AI upscaled. It’s obvious if you zoom into the first emoji.
How are people not noticing this “book” is entirely AI generated with all the fucked up non-letters in the words?
Because it isn’t. They took the picture with the book on their lap, after covering the words with white out and writing the ones we see over it.
Except there’s no indication of whiteout (it’s usually pretty obvious) and all the fucked up letters look exactly the same (such as e looking like an O with a dot inside.
It’s much more likely they just put the image into some AI thing to translate the words.
Ok, so assume it’s French. The words now make sense. But, look at the pictures.
Does that look anything like a helicopter / hélicoptère? What does that pink round thing have to do with snow / neige? Why does the image for a tail / queue look like a radish? And what’s with the letter for Y? Common Y words in french for kids are things like “yak”, “yaourt” (yogurt), “yeux” (eyes), “yeti”, “yacht”, “yoga”, “yo-yo”. They seem to have chosen “yole”, which in english is “yawl”, defined as “a two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailboat with the mizzenmast stepped far aft so that the mizzen boom overhangs the stern.” And yet, although the image appears to be a sailboat (voilier), it’s a one-masted sailboat.
That book is a translation nightmare…
Tree = árvore
Horse = cavalo
Vaca = cow
There are a lot more. Those are English to Portuguese translations and there are more. I’d risk the original language of the book is heavily Latin based.
Can confirm these three also work in french and Spanish!
It’s an image translated by an AI and used for internet points. Zoom in to the text to see why.
Yeah, this is ai slop
Every single one works in French.
it’s probably translated from another language yeah, could be French or Spanish
- Tree in French: Arbre; in Spanish: árbol
- Horse in French: Cheval; in Spanish: caballo
for M it looks like it’s French, house in Spanish is casa
it checks out with french
Yote is the past tense of yeet
Gateau = cake
G für Gadze
This is AI though, or am I being whooshed
It’s just the shitty resolution, but still.